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Pen: So, what's the 8th contest?

Laotian: The 8th contest is a game of football!

Firey: Don't you mean soccer!

Laotian: We're in the UK, we call it football there!

Firey: Oh!

Laotian: So, to win, you have to score in your opponents' goals, each goal has a goalie to defend them, expect for two of them...

Laotian: Where the rectangles are A Good Name and Team Bracelety and Ice Cube?!

Pin: In here! The Funland Amusements!

Laotian: [gasps]

[cuts to the Funland Amusements]

Golf Ball: Everyone! Laotian is about to start the next competition now! TV, play the footage!

TV: [plays footage of Laotian explaining the 8th contest]

Golf Ball: There's no one to defend our goals! Plus Basketball isn't here to explain what she did!

[cuts to Laotian and Pin]

Pin: There's a massive wall of bedrock blocking the door and the windows!

Laotian: Here, let me try to move it. [tries to move the bedrock wall, but is unable to.] It's too heavy!

Laotian: Anyways, the 2 teams with the most scores in their goals will be up for elimination! You have 30 minutes, go!

Pillow: A Good Name doesn't have anyone defending their goal, so this should be pretty easy!

Pen: Pillow, No-

[Pillow kicks the ball in A Good Name's goal repetitively]

Laotian: [picks up Pillow by the arm] Pillow, that's cheating!

Pillow: Aw, fluff!

Laotian: Luckily you've given A Good Name 6 goals!

Tree: 6 goals? Okay then.

Clock: TB&IC, here we come!

Winner: [laughs] Easy for us to deal with.

[Clock kicks the ball in Team Bracelety and Ice Cube's goal a number of times]

Clock: Now let's get Band-Aid! [kicks the ball in Band-Aid's goal, but it gets saved by Ruby]

Laotian: It's a save!

[Ruby passes the ball to Bubble, who kicks it in WLR's goal]

Laotian: It's the ultimate backfire!

[cuts to Funland Amusements]

Golf Ball: Look, we're at the top with 6 goals, we're doomed!

All of A Good Name and Team Bracelety and Ice Cube: [gasps]

Grassy: If only we could mind control someone to defend our goals, Grassy knows what Basketball did!

Golf Ball: Oh, I suddenly remember! Let's use Robot Flower to mind control Remote so she defends each of our goals!

All of Band-Aid and Team Bracelety and Ice Cube: YAY!

[cuts to the Promenade]

Tree: Pillow did it too many times, let's do it fairly. [kicks the ball in A Good Name's goal but it is saved by Remote]

Laotian: Woah, did Remote just decided to defend A Good Name's goal? This is shocking!

Remote: Somebody... help... me...

[cuts to Funland Amusements]

Golf Ball: We have to trust you, okay? Don't break the signal!

Lollipop: I know where this is going.

[cuts to the Promenade]

Remote: Must... let... go! [sends a bomb to Robot Flower]

Tree: You're doing a great job, Remote! Now let's get Team Bracelety and Ice Cube! [kicks the ball in Team Bracelety and Ice Cube's goal]

Taco: Hold on, let me do this! [kicks the ball in Team Fun's goal]

Laotian: Remote has got back together with her team as the 2 teams' goals are now unguarded again!

[cuts to Funland Amusements]

[a bomb is sent to Robot Flower]

All of A Good Name and Team Bracelety and Ice Cube: [gasps]

Robot Flower: Must... not... break... the... signal!

Golf Ball: Stay calm, we're getting there!

[the bomb explodes, killing both teams and destroying Funland Amusements but keeping the bedrock wall up]


Winner: It's a big explosion coming from the distance, but it's just wiped out 2 entire teams!


[times goes to 00:00]

Laotian: Time's up! A Good Name and Team Bracelety and Ice Cube both lose with the most goals, and it seems like... [sees the blaze that was once Funland Amusements] ...they died in an explosion. But anyways, see you next episode!

[A Good Name and Team Bracelety and Ice Cube are both up for elimination, voting will be held on Strawpoll.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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