Chapter 1

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I looked down the train tracks, then back at which station I was. Number 5, the one with the broken down bench and the package of salted crackers that had been there for god know's how long. I looked back at the clock on my crappy old phone. Guess Jolene was late, it wasn't really like her but it happened before so I wasn't particularly worried, well at least not much. I just decided to lean against one of the street lights while waiting for her to show up. After a couple more minutes pass I decide to text a quick message just to make sure she didn't forget about me or something.

Ya coming girl?? Been waiting for u

Sorry, mom's been holdin me up, coming now tho with a lil surprize ;)

Aaaand my battery was dead, just great. I sighed as I put my phone away, tucking it into one of my coat's inside pockets. I quickly closed it back up when the cold wind tore at me, leaving me shivering slightly. It was already pretty cold for early fall. I closed my eyes and started letting my mind wander, mostly just guessing what she had planned this time, maybe another party? Would be in character for her. Just hope she wouldn't try to convince me to get high with her again, that had been fucking awful.

Even though I had turned 18 a little bit ago, I still didn't like alcohol or smoking a lot like some of my friends, well alcohol wasn't that bad, just never really liked being drunk or the hangovers. God the fucking hangovers, they hit me like concrete. "Lia! Over here you sleepyhead!" I heard Jolene call out from somewhere behind me. I kept my eyes closed for a moment longer before turning around with a little swing.

There she was, styled as always;her long, curly, brown hair loosely tied in a low-hanging ponytail. I cold see a caramel-colored lipstick applied on her small lips which were perked upwards in a smile, showing her dimples. A expertly applied eyeliner made her eyelashes appear much fuller than they'd naturally be, making her blue eyes stand out. She wore her dark brown wool sweater and jeans, she held her black, leather purse adorned with little silver, gem like stones that sparkled lightly in the setting sun firmly.

She waved me over before swaying a small liquor bottle she had just pulled out of her purse in on of her hands at me with a wink. Yep, she brought alcohol and with the way she was styled she definitely scored us an invite to some kind of party, I was glad I was wearing some more party appropriate clothes under my lightbrown coat. I calmly walked over to her, noticing that she was almost buzzing with excitement.

"So,what has gotten you so excited?" I ask as she pulls me infor a quick hug and handing me the small liquor bottle, the liquor being vodka. I look back up at her with a raised eyebrow, she knows I don't drink hard liquors, why'd she bring me some?

"Aww, c'mon, thought you might loosen up a bit more since you're 18 now. Also your girl secured the both of us a place in the party of the Lane's Bar tonight! You know, the one everyone's been talking about?" She explained, giving me a challenging smirk and before I could even nod or say 'yes' she spoke up again.

"Unless of course, you're too scared." She teased, which sadly worked too well as I took a sip of the vodka, almost coughing when it hits the back of my throat, tears dwelling in my eyes but I wash them away quickly. "God, that shit's strong." I mumble while Jolene giggles and takes a much longer sip of the liquor than I could before handing it back to me.

"Wanna explore the alleys while we wait for the club to open up?" She asks with a mischievous grin and taking my hand, already walking towards the nearest, and sadly the most unlit, one. "Why should we do that? Don't you remember the murder scandal?" I ask, just thinking about it made me shiver, I remember all the news station,no matter their size, reporting about it, even though the victim's family asked for it to not get media coverage. God, that made myblood boil, the audacity of some people.

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