Chapter 2

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General warning for implied noncon/rape stay safe and take care of yourselves ♡

I was faced with a monster. A real one.

He was so tall, he towered over me, his arms much longer than they should've been compared to his torso. His face white, and almost completely featureless, aside from a too wide grin, showing off his sharp teeth. I noticed that he was no longer wearing the suit either, was it even the same man? Probably not, right? He slightly tilted his head at me, almost curiously. Then he leaned closer again, stopping mere inches in front of my face, I saw something move from behind his back, my blood ran cold, was that another monster or person? I was near tears already, especially when I saw what it had really been. A pair of tentacles emerged from his back, each holding a single rose, one a light blue and the other one a darkish red.

"Which one will you choose?" He asked, letting go of one of my arms, waiting for me to pick eagerly. I tried pushing him off immediately but he didn't budge at all, instead a third tentacle emerged and pinned my arm above my head quickly, I yelped surprised even though it hadn't actually hurt. I heard him chuckle darkly and he leaned in closer until his lips brushed against my neck, I tried jerking away but to no avail.

"If you won't choose, I'll just have to do it for you and I have a feeling you wouldn't like that~." He teased, not even bothering to move back slightly, so I felt his lips move against my skin with every single word and I felt his hot breath as he breathed out slowly. He let go of my other arm, his hands slowly slipped lower, making sure to trace my hips and every other curve as he did so until he reached my ass. I was about to try and shove him off again when I remembered what he said.

"Could you atleast tell me what happens if I do?" I pleaded with him, I needed some kind of advantage or at least something like that. Just anything to grasp and hold on to for hope. He held still for a moment, as if thinking it over. "Sure why not." He shrugged before leaning back until we we're face to face again. I almost cried out in relief, thankfully biting my lips to stay quiet. He held the red rose closer before speaking again. "If you pick this one, you will receive my full devotion of love and sexual desires-" ,he paused to give me a devious grin and almost pushing it into my hand, "- or if you pick the blue one, you refuse me and if I can't have you, I won't allow someone else to have you." He continued, his smile slowly faltering as he did so, ending in something almost like a scowl.

I didn't do anything but process just what he said to me for a moment. What kind of sick game was this?! But that was cut short when he suddenly just pressed the red rose into my hand and shoving his lips on mine in a rough kiss, stealing away my breath. And perhaps any chance of slipping away unhurt. I felt the tentacle restraining my arm above my head coil further around it, if I tried moving it now, it wouldn't do anything. Shit, was there absolutely nothing I could do now? No, no there has to be something I can do... Right? Well, I could at least try.  After a quick moment of innerly hyping myself up enough, I turned my head to the left in a quick motion. I heard a low growl, which made me dread what he'd do next. Regret and anxiety bubbled up inside me so quickly I almost felt nauseous.

He moved one hand up to my face quickly and got hold of my chin, jerking my head to the right, forcing me to look at him again. His face was mere inches from mine and I could tell he was enraged. "Listen, if you want to walk at some point this week, I reckon you play along." He said, staring me down a moment longer before he rushed forward  again for another kiss, while starting to slowly grind against my groin.

I only tried to move away weakly, not daring to do anything bigger. Tears were already blurring my vision as I tried to stifle my sobs. I was beyond terrified. Even more so when I felt his hand that rested on my… behind get a hold of the seam of my plaid skirt. He finally broke the kiss and I acted quickly, gathering all my strength, which seemed rather pityful and pushed him back as hard as I could. I innerly yelled celebrations of joy as he stumbled back slightly and I turned to the only side of the alley that was free, running faster than ever before. I barely heard my shoes smashing down on the ground, my ears buzzing loudly with adrenalin that practically gave me a godly speed boost.

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