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Consciousness came like a cold flood, an abrupt deluge of sensation. She tried to shout, but something was in her mouth, and all she could do was huff wordlessly, drooling around the plastic; she tried to move but her limbs were bound, straps over her bare skin. She couldn't see anything beyond a soft grey blur.

'Shhh,' said a voice. 'It's okay. It's okay. I'm going to let you out.'

She gurgled something back, the panic rising.

'You're restrained in case you had a fit,' continued the speaker. 'Your nerve readings are good, though, so I'm going to start by removing the tongue protection. Try and calm down. It's going to be okay.'

The voice was female, soothing. It seemed to be coming from everywhere. She tried to turn her head, but it was held between two blocks of foam, yielding but resolute.

The plastic slid from her mouth.

'Wha...?' she gasped.

But she couldn't manage any more than that, because she gagged, stinging on her tongue. The chair tilted her forwards, and she spat it onto her lap. Restraints popped away, and then she was sliding off, covered in the stink of her own vomit. She flopped on to a soft floor, shivering and crying.

'It's going to feel better soon, I promise...' said the voice.

I Fell From The DarkWhere stories live. Discover now