Chapter 3

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I lay in my bed, sprawled across the sheets. I hadn't slept a wink this night. I just couldn't stop thinking about him. What was even more weird, is that I didn't feel tired at all. I slowly sat up, and stretched. I got out of bed, and put on my uniform, and my black combat boots. 

I brush my hair, while I look in the mirror, I see the eyeliner that Satoru bought me. I pick it up and sigh deeply. I concentrate and start drawing it in the outer corner of my eye, going under it. I look at it closer. I actually... like it. I then move over to the other eye, repeating the movement. I back away from the mirror, looking at myself from afar.

I slightly smile and grab a tote bag, putting in two notebooks and a pen.

I learned to read, write, and do basic math, it shouldn't be too hard, right?

I walk through the dorm building corridor. I saw Satoru walking down the corridor as well. I ponder for a second and decide not to bother him. I clutch the handle of my bag, suddenly realizing that I might be outcasted, or maybe even hated. 

I shake my head, sighing. 

I finally walk out of the building and head into the main school. I don't see a single person there, is this a school, or a cemetery? 

I look around and see that there are a few classrooms. I see one that says "First Years". I walk up to it and open the sliding door. As I look inside, I feel as my heart skips a beat. The raven-haired guy that I saw yesterday on the rooftop was looking straight at me. I don't even feel how my hand clutches my tote bag even harder. 

I lower my head a little bit, avoiding eye contact. He smiled and waved at me and my heart stopped. I even took a deep breath to calm myself. As I was lifting my hand up, he started speaking.

"Yo, Satoru!" I felt as my chest started feeling heavy, and I turned around, and saw my brother standing there. He pushed past me, and sat down near the guy. 

"Suguru! I haven't seen you in so long." I bit my lip and looked down. I sat down at the end of the classroom, near the window.

Of course, he wouldn't notice me. I am the outcast after all. But why does it hurt more than usual, it's not like these things haven't happened to me before. I hear as they chat, and it was as if I wasn't even there. I see them in the corner of my eye, and I see as my brother stands up and leans over the raven haired guys desk, and the one behind him. Satoru then kisses him, and I hear as they both giggle. My eyes widen and it was like a weight was dropped on my heart.

I hear as they kiss, sparing no attention that they weren't alone. I slightly tear up, but quickly fight them back. I didn't even know the guy, why was I so affected by this? I hear footsteps from the door, and they both move away from each other as quickly as they could.

The door slides open and I turn to it. A girl stands there. Long black hair, in two low pigtails. She had one blue eye, and the other one was a black and white... spiral? She was smiling.

She covers her eye with one hand, and walks over to my brother and his boyfriend..? I think it's safe to assume.

"Hi! I'm Yuna Fushiguro!" She introduces herself. My eyes widen as I hear her last name.

"Toji Fushiguro. Remember this name."

I think this is going to get messy. All three of them engage in an easy going conversation. Then the door rattles open again, and this time it was the teacher. Had a goatee, and a buzzcut. There were two shaved lines going around his hair.

"My name is Masamichi Yaga, and I will be your teacher." He states simply. "The schedule for today starts off with math, and ends with sparring eachother using cursed techniques."

Until 12.00 a.m, it was boring. All we did was learn simple things, and I needed to watch as all three of them got along. Then, the sparring started. It wasn't weird that I was scared. After all, I hadn't fought anyone before. We went outside, and there was a rink in the middle, it was drawn on with chalk, I presume.

"So, the first people who are sparring are Gojo and Geto." His name is Geto? How pretty is that. Both of them look at eachother, and then laugh. They start sparring, and my brother obviously won, a different outcome wasn't possible. However, Satoru still had a hard time defeating him. It seemed like he was summoning curses? At first I thought it was shikigami, but he didn't do anything with his hands. 

"Goodjob, Geto, you should work on your reaction time, that hit could've been avoided. Gojo, don't act so reckless. Still, goodjob both of you." The teacher said.

"Now, Fushiguro and Gojo...?" Everyone looked confused until I stepped forward. Even the teacher looked confused, while he looked at the paper he was holding. I went into the rink, my heart was almost jumping out of my chest. I don't like this. My opponent was also confused, but she stepped forward. She was literally my height. This is so embarrassing.

"Ready..." Yaga started. I got into a fighting stance, she set her foot forwards, and she also put her hands infront of her. "Set... GO!" Fushiguro immediately formed her hands into a position that kind of looked like a dog, but at the same time something looked different. I quickly realize that she was a shikigami user.

"Kuro!" She shouts, and a black fox forms in front of her. It was so cute, that I almost got distracted. I don't want to hurt it, so I decide to immobilize it instead.

 Silk of blood, I think in my mind. Not sharp. Not sharp. Not sharp. I plead in my mind. Move over there, wrap around the fox, make sure it doesn't get hurt.

I sucessfully achieve what I want to do, and I smile at the sight. The fox doesn't look like it's in pain, it just looks so confused that it's funny. I look back at Fushiguro and see that she is still covering her eye with her hand. She looks angry. Really angry. I shift uncomfortably. She slowly moves her hand from her eye, and I make eye contact with her. Suddenly, six shikigamis started appearing all around me, and the fox I immobilized was freed. Two foxes, one black, the other white. A white ferret with spikes for arms, and the end of it's tail was also a spike. A deer, that was green and had features that I couldn't even begin to describe. A crane, and a bunny with wings and a lion tail that was white. What the actual fuck was happening?

All of them were snarling at me. Panic engulfed me and I tried to wrap all of them up, not wanting them to get hurt. Unfortunately, they were all getting freed, as if they gained new strength. 

I was panicking. I couldn't breathe. What is happening? All of them were running at me and attacking me at the same time. I was dodging everything I could, but to no avail. I was starting to get lightheaded. I wasn't used to producing this much silk. The crane clawed at my bicep, making a deep wound. The ferret that had spike like arms dug it's spikes into my thigh. Help. Help me! I shouted inside my mind. My mouth wasn't working. The ferret started turning and digging it's spikes deeper into my leg. It hurts.

Tears were welling in my eyes as I still tried to dodge everything else. I needed to use my last resort. I threw the ferret off of me with my last strength. I glanced at the ones who were watching, and I see Satoru looking at me, as if he was watching the best comedy, and Geto was just looking at me like he pitied me. His eyebrows were furrowed. A tear fell from my eye.

Not sharp. Protection. I saw as my silk engulfed me into a cocoon. My head. Fuck. I feel as my eyes roll back and I faint.

This was such a bad idea.

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