the golden one

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dressed in beautiful black and gold , silks draped over her body , and a mask of gold over her face , aurelia sat on a throne , surrounded by skulls of those who had been the closest to her .

she's taken up residence underground , in an extensive network of catacombs made over the centuries . the main chamber was her throne room , used mostly for the initiation rituals for those who were to become leaders in other locations around the world . and for punishing those who broke the strict rules she had for her followers .

having your skull placed in this room was a great honor for those closest to her . those she had considered family , past lovers , her closest followers she had considered friends . they all begged to stay close to her , in their final moments . she promised they would be kept by her side , watching over her and those that would come after them . they would be honored for their years loyalty to her , and given a peaceful send off in the form of her lesser known gift .

the kiss of death . as she could give life back to those near death , she discovered her ability to take it at the same time . when they were truly ready to go , she would simply give them a kiss , and they would slip away in peace . no pain or suffering . it was a gift reserved for very few people .

they call her the golden one , forgetting her true name over the years . she had taken on more names since she was called aurelia , and it was thought that this name was simply a reference to her blood after so long .

she sits on her throne , the lips of the mask she wore curled into a knowing smile , wing draped behind her like cloak of black feathers as she looked over the many kneeling before her .

' we pledged our allegiance to the golden one , in the name of aurelia . '

/ cult leader au for noelle

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