The beginning once more

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Ichinosei pov

I looked up from my bed in my weaken state, every inch of my body aching due to old age, yet...... the most prominent pain was present in my heart, it wasn't a physical thing, no it was more due to loneliness.

I made so many friends in my life, but I am so alone right now, not a companion in sight.... well I suppose an appropriate one has never really appeared... except one.

"agh!" My chest tightness once more, I  quickly tried to reach some pills on the table top but accidentally knocked them on the floor

'Fuck! It hurt so much' tears start flowing from my eyes, the pounding in my head got worse and worse, till I couldn't take it anymore

'Goodbye world, at least I get to see sis and mom again' I smiled

Closing my eyes I started counting to keep my mind preoccupied









Suddenly the pain disappeared

'this must be what death feels like'

Quickly I open my eyes expecting a field of flowers or something with my family there, but instead I was in a dark room, pitch black

......... ''

"Hello?" I called out into the darkness

"Huh!, WHO'S THERE!" The sobbing voice died down and started shouting

I would have recoiled in fear, but I noticed that the voice belonged to a girl, one who was really scared, she had experienced with this sort of situation before after volunteering at multiple orphanage

A sudden flash of light turned on, blinding me

"I WARN YOU, DON'T MAKE ME CALL THE POLICE!" the voice threatens

"Wait wait!!!" I called out before she could make any decisions that could get me arrested

Getting a better look at the room due to the light, it felt strangely familiar.... reflexively, I touched the wall and as if I knew it was there a switch clicked and the lights turned on

.... wait what?

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