I love you

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Senku's shirt lifted up slightly, and Gen couldn't help but stare. His profound pelvis and body that slimmed up and had more muscle ever since the Stone Age had started. Gen sat there as he waited.

"Do you want some tea?" Senku asked as he turned his back away from him.

"You created tea? Eriously-Say! You can make almost anything; can't you?" Gen replied.

Senku laughed, and it sounded eerily evil. "Hehe! Of course I can! I am practically invincible with science by my side!"

Gen chuckled at Senku's antics. "I would love some tea." Senku smirked and began to mash up some herbs. Gen watched him carefully with awe.

Senku brought Gen his tea that was in a clay cup held on a saucer. "Thanks," Gen grabbed the saucer with one hand on the handle of the cup. He took a good whiff and looked up at Senku. "This isn't poisoned is it," Gen bantered.

Senku replied with a smirk on his face, again chuckling. "Guess you'll have to try it for yourself."

Gen sighed and took a sip. "This isn't half bad." He took a couple more sips before setting it beside him.

"Senku?" Gen called his name almost as if it were a question.

"Hm. Yeah? Did the poison kick in yet?" He joked.

Gen smiled, but it almost seemed sad. "Not yet," he chuckled softly. "So tell me," he used his mentalist voice. "Do you have a lover?"

Senku looked Gen up and down. "You think any of the girls here are up to my standard? Ha! I need someone who has some good skills, and not so harsh and demanding."

Gen looked down at his thighs. "Yeah. A girl," Gen chuckled softly, but his face didn't show any sign of joy.

Senku looked down at Gen as he finished making his own tea and took a sip. He set it down on the table that sat low in the middle of the room. He stepped over and sat down next to Gen. Their thighs rubbed up again on another. "Did you have someone in mind that I might be into?" Senku turned over to look at Gen. Gen turned to look back and realized their faces were way too close. His face turned beat red.

He looked back down and stuttered out. "N.. no. Not quite, but I know some that may be into you."

Senku leaned back on his arms. "Really? Didn't think I had the charisma."

Gen chuckled, "Maybe you just don't realize it."

Senku looked at Gen. He grabbed his chin and lifted up his head. "You know, I don't have a lover, but I never said there wasn't anyone I found charming."

Gen laughed, "You just said the girls here weren't your type."

Senku smiled and leaned closer to Gen. "Maybe this person is a he." He sounded completely serious, and this shocked Gen into falling back, but Senku lifted his other arm and held it behind his back, causing them to be closer than before.

This scene made Gen's heart pound. Senku's arm pressed onto his back, and his hand holding Gen's chin. His fingers were rough from surviving off the land, but his palms were soft.

Gen's eyes diverted towards the wall. "Oh, eriously-Say. Haha!" His voice cracked through his laugh. Senku's hand pulled up more onto his chin and tightened his grip, causing Gen to stare back up towards him. Their eyes met, and Gen noticed that Senku's cheeks were pink.

Gen's mouth parted slightly from the sight. Senku leaned where their lips were almost touched. "Close your eyes," Senku demanded. His hot breath ran over Gen's face. Gen squeezed his eyes shut and his lips help tight against each other. Gen could feel Senku's lips touch his own. His face loosened and his lips let Senku's dominate as they pleased.

Senku leaned back. He held his hand on his neck and cracked it. "So, uh, Do you?" Senku started, but Gen leaned and and pressed his body on top of Senku's. "Yes. I do." Gen smiled and tears began to run down his face. He rubbed his cheek.

Senku lifted up his head. "S.. sorry! I should've asked before I did that. Are you okay?"

Gen chuckled, this time with real joy. "Don't worry," he replied as his wiped the tears off his face. "They're happy tears."

Senku smiled and leaned back down. His lifted his arms and pressed both hands on each of Gen's cheeks. Gen leaned down and kissed Senku.

Gen looked down at Senku and his face turned pink. "Uh, Senku. Your, uhm." Gen look down towards Senku's crotch.

Senku turned his face to the side and cover his face with the back of his hand. "Sorry. I..it's just with you sitting on top of me and confessing like that.."

Gen smirked. He lifted his sleeve to cover his own face. "How cute," he chuckled.

Senku turned around quickly to complain about Gen's comment until he saw that Gen's face was flushed. Gen leaned in and kissed Senku, sneaking in his tongue. It felt as if their mouth were one. When he pulled back, he smiled softly. "I want to do it."

"Huh?" replied Senku.

"I'm ready," Gen continued. "Let's do it."

Senku smirked. He lifted himself up and grabed both of Gen's wrist about his head. He plopped him down onto the futon.

Senku lifted up Gen's top and let his fingers wander onto his chest. Gen let out a soft moan of surprise. He wanted to cover his mouth, but Senku tightened his grip on his wrists. "I want to see your face."

Gen blushed and his lips softened. Senku leaned in and kissed him. He continued to let his tounge discover Gen's mouth and his hand slip upwards onto Gen's chest.

It was all a blur to Gen, and before he knew it, Senku was speaking softly in his ear while rubbing his dick on Gen's ass. Gen's breaths began to quicken.

Senku was on top of him. His breath was deep and rhythmic. "S..senku," Gen moaned.

Senku smiled, "Yeah?" His voice was breathy and quiet.

"Put it in already!" Gen yelled hoarsly.

Senku chuckled, "As you wish."

Senku placed his tip over Gen's asshole. All of the breath was taken out of body as Senku slid himself in. "Relax.. Relax.." Senku's eyebrows knit.

Senku grunted as he completely entered Gen.

Gen was breathing heavily. "Is.. is is in?" Gen asked softly, his arm laying over his face as his eyes teared up.

Senku pushed Gen's arm off his face. He took the back of his pointer finger and wiped underneath Gen's eyes, where the tears had started to fall.

Senku leaned in towards Gen and placed his lips onto Gen's. He slid his tounge in and rubbed against the roof of Gen's mouth before joining their tongues together.

Senku pulled away, "Can I move?"

Gen looked at at him with a soft smile, "Yeah. Eriously-Say, I'm ready."

Senku chuckled before starting to thrust out and in. It felt as if their bodies were one. They were conjoined together by the most fragile and submissive parts of their body.

Gen moaned out, "I.. I'm going to!" Gen's body tensed up. His toes curled and his back arched, pushing him closer to Senku. He wrapped his arms around Senku's neck.

Senku's face tensed, and Gen could fill himself being filled up. "Senku! Senku!" Gen's breathing quickened before both Senku and Gen had relaxed their bodies and let their breathing even out. Senku pulled himself out of Gen.

Senku laid down beside Gen and kissed his forehead. Gen turned over and squished his body against Senku's chest. Senku grabbed the blanket that had fallen off the bed due to their shenanigans. He pulled it over the two lovebird and wrapped his arm around Gen. He pressed his face into Gen's hair that was now messy.

"I love you," Senku confessed. His breath moved the stray strands of Gen's hair.

Gen lifted his arms up to hold around Senku's back. "I love you too. So much."

Senku stroked the back of Gen's head. "Goodnight, mentalist." Gen's breath slowed down, and his body completely relaxed. Senku chuckled and soon fell asleep himself.

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