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July 5, 2023

Yunho nudged Mingi lightly. "Wake up." he spoke softly. Slowly, Mingi opened his eyes and a smile crossed his tired face. He wanted every morning to start like this.

With Yunho's help, Mingi finally managed to get up. "Get ready, we're about to leave." Mingi nodded lethargically and staggered to the door in the direction of the bathroom.

In the hallway, he met Seonghwa, who was walking towards the stairs in his pyjamas. Mingi looked at him in confusion. "What are you doing here?" he asked, but instead of giving him an answer, Seonghwa just gave him a strange look and walked on silently. Mingi stopped, confused. Had he been in Yeosang's room? He quickly shook his head and went into the bathroom. After all, this was not his business.


After Mingi had gotten ready and dressed, Yunho held out a leather jacket to him. "Here, wear it so you get used to it." Mingi listened to Yunho as he always did and looked at himself in the mirror. "Do you prefer my hair long or short?" Mingi asked, looking at his ponytail. Yunho appeared behind him. "Mmm, I think both is hot," he grinned and Mingi had to smile. "I think I want to cut it shorter again." Yunho nodded and then hugged him.


Mingi stomped past the bodyguards standing in front of the huge house and got into Yunho's car. A short time later, Yunho landed in the seat next to him. "Why don't the bodyguards ever come with you?" Mingi asked as Yunho started the engine. "Well, it would be too conspicuous if there were so many people with us, besides, we all get along better on our own."

Mingi nodded and looked dreamily out of the window as the forest passed them by. "I think it will take me a while to get used to everything," Mingi said after a few minutes. Yunho smiled slightly. "Take all the time you need, it's not like I'm dragging you on missions." Mingi looked up. "What, but I thought we were going together?" There was disappointment in his voice. Yunho smiled again. "Mingi you've been here since yesterday, you need to learn everything before you can come along. Besides, I don't want anything to happen to you again."

Mingi knew Yunho was right, but he suddenly thought it was stupid. "And what if something happens to you and I'm not there?" Mingi asked, pouting. He felt Yunho's warm hand on his. "Don't worry, nothing will happen to me." Mingi turned thoughtfully back to the window. Hopefully Yunho was right.


Some time passed before Yunho slowed down and turned into a side street. Then he pulled up in front of a huge black hall. "We're here," he said after switching off the engine. Wide-eyed, Mingi got out of the car and looked around. He followed Yunho along the stony path to a large glass door and they entered the building.

A strange smell hit Mingi's nose as they entered. They passed a reception desk where a woman was standing. Yunho greeted her and then walked on. Mingi followed him silently and let all the new impressions slowly sink in. At some point, they arrived in a large, dark hall. Loud noises could be heard from outside and they could see inside the hall through a large window. Mingi watched in fascination as the few people who were there stood and took concentrated aim at their target. One shot followed another and although it was somehow frightening, it was just as exciting.
It was only when Yunho tapped Mingi that he broke away from the scenery and turned around.

"That is my friend Bangchan."
Mingi caught sight of a slightly shorter man, smiling kindly. His dimple and defined arm muscles immediately caught Mingi's eye. "I'm Mingi," Mingi said and they both bowed. "I've heard a lot about you." Bangchan laughed and gave Yunho a sideways glance. Mingi smiled sheepishly.

"He'll teach you how to shoot," Yunho said. "And what about you?" Mingi asked immediately. "I have something to do, but I'll pick you up later, okay?" Mingi nodded uncertainly. Of course Mingi wanted Yunho to stay, but he didn't want to contradict him. "See you later then and don't do anything stupid," Yunho said, giving his friend a warning look. "Yeah, go on," Bangchan laughed and they both watched Yunho disappear.

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