The first time meeting a demon/Meeting Urokodaki

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Tanjiro and Muichiro soon started to wake up remembering their battle with Kurayami.

Tanjiro/Muichiro: WHERE IS HE?!

They shout as they push themselves back up. Nezuko and Yuichiro tried to calm them down.

Nezuko: Brother, Muichiro it's ok! We're alive!

Tanjiro and Muichiro look around to see Kie, Nezuko, Yuichiro, Takeo, Shigeru, Hanako, and Rokuta. The siblings hug them fearing of them that they died.

??: I see you two are up.

A man in the corner said. Tanjiro and Muichiro still felt unease seeing the armed stranger in the home of Tanjiro.

??: Calm yourselves. I'm not like your recent visitor.

Tanjiro and Muichiro started to ease up.

Tanjiro: Then what are you?

??: A demon slayer. My name is Giyu Tomioka. And I have some questions for you.

Later during the day, Tanjiro, Muichiro, and Giyu talk about the events last night.

Giyu: Honestly I'm impress that you two were able to take on a high ranked demon and live.

Tanjiro and Muichiro were scratching the back of their heads feeling embarassed.

Tanjiro: Actually, he was kind of toying with us.

Giyu felt annoyed at Tanjiro's answer.

Giyu: Well regardless if he was toying with both of you or not, that guy knows about this place. Your family can't stay here any longer.

Tanjiro: But this is our home. We have no place to go.

Muichiro: Yeah. How will we know that they're safe?

Giyu puts his hands on both their shoulders.

Giyu: I can take your family to a place where they'll be safe. Both of you on the other hand, have to take a different path.

Tanjiro/Muichiro: Huh?

Giyu: That demon will not rest until you two are killed. And for some reason you two were able to cause him to run.

Tanjiro: So, what should we do?

Giyu: Head to the foot of the misty mountain. There you will find an elder by the name Sakonji Urokodaki. Tell him that Giyu Tomioka sent you as well as your story.

??: Guys, no!

They both turn to see Nezuko along with Yuichiro who overheard their conversation.

Nezuko: Please let us come with you two!

Tanjiro: No Nezuko! You and Yuichiro wouldn't be safe around us.

Muichiro: I don't know, I think it's a good idea.

Tanjiro: Are you seriously agreeing to this?!

Nezuko: Thank you Muichiro, it would be better than you two dying alone!

Tanjiro grabs Nezuko's hand and pulls her into a hug.

Tanjiro: Nezuko, this is the last thing we want. Believe me, but Giyu is right. That demon will keep hunting us. So we need to become stronger.

Nezuko lets go of Tanjiro and lets out her hair buns. Muichiro just blushed looking at this scene.

Nezuko: I want to be stronger so I can protect you and Muichiro as well.

Giyu was impressed at her determination but wasn't showing it.

Nezuko: Tanjiro, please! Let me and Yuichiro come with you two and become stronger together.

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