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                                       Song : we fell in love in October | girl in red

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                                       Song : we fell in love in October | girl in red



I wave goodbye to my chemistry teacher while walking out of the room. Thank god, my shoulders dropped with relief as I finally get away from the classroom

It was a test day, unfortunately, and I was sure I was going to flunk so bad it'd be a record. I was never good in this class, but having a good teacher definitely benefited the whole experience.

I was mid test when I realized that there was no way in hell that I could possibly pass this test without at least studying a bit.

Much to my embarrassment, I raised my hand and requested that I could have a extension, and do the test another day, to which she said yes.

The dead brother card never fails to amaze me.

I brush the thoughts away as I see Harrison. "Harry!" I smile as he turns around and walks over, a goofy smile on his lips. "Nicotine treating you well?" I joke.

He playfully shoves my shoulder. "Shut up, he's nice." I roll my eyes and laugh a bit,

"I never said he wasn't." We continue to walk down the hallway, refusing to make eye contact with the group of people, Lucy right in the front. "But," He raises an expected eyebrow. "Isn't he a little.. I don't know- rough?"

He groans, whining a bit. "I know~" He mumbles as we stand outside of his locker. "The whole gangster thing should be a total turn off." He reaches into his locker, grabbing his lunch.

I hum, smirking. "But?"

He looks around to see if anyone's around us, before whispering. "But it's really hot." I nod, already knowing that he was attracted to it.

Nico James was- different then other guys.

Harrison has had a thing for the man for as long as we've been in high school, and of course there were other crushes but none of them ever compared to him.

Nico was a gentle guy.

I've met him a few times, and he was always very well spoken, and treated me and Harrison with decency. But, everyone knew him and his family were into some sort of... association.

Versailles was a school for rich prep kids, anyone who went here knew that. You don't have to be apart of some inner circle to know what the 'association' is, you just have to have money,

Something I did not have.

The higher ups of the school, mostly men, were known for being 'initiatives' or 'first years' of the association. And as they'd get older, go to a big rich college, they rank up or some shit.

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