Chapter 2

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The business of classes starting and getting organized for the semester made Friday come quickly. Too quickly, if I'm being completely honest. When I initially agreed to go to the town's street dance, I hadn't thought everything through. I haven't been to an event like this in years and for good reason. Being in chaotic settings often triggers flashbacks. It feels impossible to live life normally when you never know if a reminder will be thrown your way. But I have to let myself live; Facing my discomfort is the only way through it.

Sighing, I flip through a rack of dresses in the town's only thrift store. A dusty smell lingers in the air, making my nose crinkle. The racks are so filled with clothes that they're difficult to shift through, and my arms are tired from shoving clothes along. I feel the initial excitement of shopping being sapped from me as I look over at Blyth who's holding a sparkly purple dress to her body, examining herself in the mirror. She asked me to help her find an outfit for tonight, to which I happily agreed. I had to find something too, as I didn't bring anything appropriate from home.

"Would this be okay?" She asks, turning to me.

"I love the color," I smile.

The deep purple looks pretty against her long blond hair. To my relief, she seems satisfied with my reaction and hangs the dress over her arm.

"What did you find?" She asks eagerly.

I hold up a black sundress that caught my eye when we first walked in. The top has thin straps and a shallow v-neck, but it's the skirt that drew me in. It's long, with uneven layers of thin tools that make it look whimsical. Almost fairy-like.

When we finish paying for our dresses and step outside, there's something in the air. A busy excitement that feels contagious. People are running around hanging lights along the gazebo and pinning colorful ribbons along the shops. Blyth looks at me, her eyes shining eagerly. I smile back, trying to convince myself that I can make it through tonight without any casualties.

Underneath my stress, I do feel a faded excitement, and I desperately want to allow myself to run with that feeling. When I left school after the accident, it felt painful to see my friend's social media posts from prom and going to parties. I would find myself longing to be included, but the overwhelming urge to isolate myself was stronger.

If anything bad happens, I know what to do. I know how to control it.

As we continue walking down the street, I feel Blyth grabbing at my arm, trying to get my attention. I follow her gaze and see Sam walking out of the small liquor store on the corner. His head is down and he carrying a large, brown paper bag.

Sensing our gaze he looks up, briefly giving me a stoney look and continuing to walk.

"I presume those are the beverages for tonight," I say.

"Why does he look so angry?" Blyth wonders aloud, sounding more amused than concerned. Her ability to not take things too seriously is one of the reasons I can feel myself growing close to her. It's balancing energy, considering I'm the complete opposite.

"I think he hates me," I murmur, trying not to sound upset.

She looks surprised, so I explain the first night's events, and how he said I wouldn't be very good at partying before storming off.

"Huh. What a dick," She says sounding annoyed for me when I finish my venting. I'm glad that she agrees.

When we arrive at the dorm, Cassidy and Monica are already getting ready. Cassidy is wearing a tight pink dress, and Monica is wearing a long patterned skirt with a black top. Blyth and I immediately start getting ready, we don't have much time until the guests arrive.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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