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"What the hell are you doing? Put me down, Ace!" I shout, forcefully striking his back as he carries me through the school corridors, with fellow students fucking glaring at us.

Once he's finished manhandling me, he forcefully tosses me into his vehicle. Oh my god, the stench of fish in here is unbearable. *hehe* That's my doing. Earlier, the girls and I went to a local fish market and purchased a large amount of fish, which we then placed in Ace's truck while everyone was in class.

Apparently, he didn't find the prank amusing. "Where are you taking me?" I inquire, but of course, he remains silent until we arrive at a secluded wooded area. Oh no, is he planning to murder me just because of a prank? "Step out," Ace commands, but I refuse to comply. If he wants me to leave this vehicle, he'll have to physically remove me.

Ace walks over to the passenger side of the truck and attempts to open the door, but I had already locked it. Little did I know, he had the keys with him, so he quickly unlocked and opened the door before I could react. I try to climb over the middle console, but he grabs my legs, preventing me from doing so. I let out a high-pitched scream, which only angers me further. Damn him. As he positions himself to remove me from the truck, he grabs me by the waist and forcefully pulls me out. Once I'm outside the truck, instead of setting me down, he carries me towards a shack. Once inside, he slams me against the wall.

"What did I warn you about, Danni, if you messed with us again?" Ace growls, looking down at me. "I can't remember," I whispered. Ace smirks at me. It was a terrible decision to wear a dress today, especially considering the circumstances. Ace runs his hand up my leg, and I struggle to maintain composure, not wanting to appear weak in front of him. However, there's something about a mans touch that triggers a panic within me. "Ace, please," I plead softly, but true to his nature, he simply gives me his arrogant smirk.

I need to find a way out of this situation before it escalates further. My vision is starting to fade, and I fear what will happen if Ace gets any closer to me. Without thinking, I instinctively raise my hands and deliver a punch to both sides of his head, causing him to step back and release his grip on me. I scramble to my feet and make a desperate attempt to escape through the door. However, before I can fully regain my composure and open the door, Ace grabs me by the waist and pulls me back in, asserting that he is not done with me yet.

"Please, Ace, I'll do anything you ask," I beg, hoping to avoid any more unwanted advances. "I'll even clean your shoes and clothes for a whole month if you promise not to touch me like that again." I plead with him, desperately trying to reason with him. He stares at me for a moment, seemingly contemplating my words.

"What happened to you, Danni?" Ace whispers, his tone filled with concern. I pause, considering my response. I can't reveal the truth about his father's actions, as it would only complicate matters. So, I opt for a response that is somewhat true, but not entirely. "I don't remember," I reply, choosing to withhold the painful memories for now.

"Why do you insist on doing things that you know will anger me?" Ace questions me. "Because you keep messing with me, Ace. If you leave me alone, I'll leave you alone," I respond. Once again, he smirks at me. "I can do whatever I damn well please, little girl, because guess what? I'm the king of Lee," he proudly declares. "You mean you're the prince, right? Ace of spades?" I tease him. It's a big mistake, as he quickly pins me against the wall. "Listen here, you little brat," he begins to say, but we are interrupted by a loud bang from outside.

"Danni, go hide in that bedroom over there. Do not come out until I come and get you," Ace instructs me. What the hell is happening? "No, Ace, I can help," I insist, but he looks at me as if I'm just a scared little girl. "I've managed to beat you a couple of times," I remind him, and he smirks in response. "Yes, I suppose you're right," he concedes.

The Revenge of a good girlWhere stories live. Discover now