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This book is a collection of all of the most popular fancasts for marauders era characters. 

If you would like me to add a character just leave a comment, and I will add them to the list below!

I appreciate everyone who reads this book!

- James 'Prongs' Potter 
 - Sirius 'Padfoot' Black 
 - Remus 'Moony' Lupin 
 - Peter 'Wormtail' Pettigrew 
 - Lily Evans (Potter) 
 - Mary Macdonald 
 - Marlene McKinnon 

To be completed:
 - Alice Fortescue (Longbottom)
 - Frank Longbottom
 - Dorcas Meadowes
 - Regulus Black
 - Evan Rosier
 - Barty Crouch Jr
 - Pandora Lovegood
 - Xenophilius Lovegood
 - Severus Snape
 - Bellatrix Black (Lestrange)
 - Andromeda Black (Tonks)
 - Narcissa Black (Malfoy)
 - Lucius Malfoy
 - Edward 'Ted' Tonks
 - Rodolphus Lestrange
 - Rabastan Lestrange

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