5「 S U G A R - B U N N Y」5

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third point of view

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐍𝐈𝐏 𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐊, Sam disgruntle glanced at his home through the windshield already knowing that out of his pack members that were in the house, neither of them would be coming out.

One reason was respect and the other being because out of the two pack members in the house, one of them hadn't even had the chance to meet Catherine as of yet so there was no chance of him interrupting.

And the other pack member just so happened to be Paul, who unlike when they'd gone to find Jacob after he shifted, tried his best not to listen in this time.

Even dissuades his fellow remaining pack members from listening as well by turning on a random soccer match to distract the both of them.

"Trust me, they noticed the moment we didn't get out of the car." Sam couldn't help but grumble into Catherine's ear, a smirk on his face as he focused his attention more so on his hands.

Yet hearing his words, instead of stopping their little escapade, Catherine could only whine under her breath as she felt her walls clench around nothing.

The thought of the other members of the pack knowing what they were doing out there only brought a new wave of lust over her body especially as she felt Sam's hand travel from her hips to the swell of her bottom.

"Samm." Catherine couldn't help but whine a bit more, slowly becoming influenced by the way Sam's hands were groping at her bottom.

At least that was before he softly pulled back his right hand, something Catherine failed to notice at least that was until he brought it back down faster and swifter.

Causing a loud smack to ring out in the truck before it was quickly followed by something that could only be described as a squeal and moan flowing from Catherine's lips.

Her wide plump hips once again bucked against Sam's lap, desperate for any kind of pressure as she felt Sam's warm hand rubbing and gently caressing the mark he no doubly just made on her bottom.

"My sweet girl's cunt didn't get enough of me, huh," Sam chuckled as he asked leaning back a bit to look as best as he could at Catherine's face despite her trying to bury her face in the crook of his neck. "she's just begging for me, huh?"

Listening to the seductive man talking about her pussy as if it was its own person, Catherine couldn't help but whine once again grinding and bucking her hips down onto Sam's lap.

Her arms still wound around his shoulder, her hands and fingers buried in the man's obsidian black hair as thoughts of resistance began to abandon her mind.

  "Please, Sam." She couldn't help but whine once again as she pulled Sam's head closer to her neck, wanting his body as close as possible to hers as she began to fall into temptation.

Dipping her head closer to the man's neck, softly licking the suddenly sweet tan skin of the quiletue man's neck.

"She isn't the only one, huh sugar," Sam hummed deeply as he felt her tongue running along his neck, causing him to suddenly lift and readjust her.  "how bad do you two want it?"

He finished off his questions as he pulled her hips closer to his waist and torso, effectively grinding her cunt closer up and down his waist. Biting his bottom lip softly as he fought against his urge to fall under the soft kisses and licks he felt her delivering to his neck.

Not expecting something so seductive yet submissive drawing a dark need from Sam's inner spirit, making the man want to do nothing but bury himself over and over into the girl until he'd effectively made her forget anything other than him.

He wanted his scent buried into her skin the same way Jacob's was the first time they'd met her, he often found himself wondering if it was because he'd gotten the title of Alpha, that Jacob got to meet her first, love her first.

If that was the case he would give up his title and authority with a drop of a hat, even after only spending less than an entire day with the girl he found that she was like a hidden part of his heart that he could finally say was found.

"Please Sam," Catherine couldn't help but whine as she paused in her attack on the man's neck, instead falling into his hands as he guided her into grinding down against him pulling so much desperation out of her poor body. "want it so bad, wanna be your good bunny again."

Hearing her words Sam couldn't help but let out a groan his eyes rolling back for a second as he thought about all the things he wanted to do to the girl grinding so furiously against him, yet knowing he had only a limited time to do so.

Wanting to introduce Catherine to the final other member of their pack before it was time for him to go back out to protect their borders with Paul, so Jacob could take their imprint home safely after he got back.

So quickly the man gripped onto whatever barrings he had left to not cum in his pants from simply hearing, thinking about, and feeling the woman on top of him; Sam instead rushed his right hand up to the nape of Catherine's neck.

Grasping it tightly yet softly before he pulled her back, a whine slipping from Catherine's lips before she reluctantly sat back just barely off of the wheel enough to not trigger the horn. Yet still in Sam's lap as her hands lazily slipped from his shoulders to the man's lower forearms, wanting to stay connected to him in some sense as he gazed down at her lustfully.

"Wanna be my good, sweet bunny, huh?" Sam couldn't help but repeat the words she'd just whined out in lust, causing a deep blush to quickly cover the just barely light enough skin of Catherine's neck and ears.

The teen glanced away out of embarrassment not expecting him to put her on the spot so abruptly, especially with such a darkness in his eyes the man looking nearly ready to eat her limb from limb. However, with how abruptly he had ended their little escapade earlier when Emily and Michelle came to the door, a small part of Catherine honestly feared this go around was somehow coming to an end.

So instead of backing down and whining softly about how mean she felt the man was being like she usually would with Jacob, Catherine could only steel herself internally before softly nodding her head and peaking back at Sam.

The blush on her face deepened as she heard the chest rumbling laugh that left the man's lips, yet Sam could only see the annoyed and embarrassed pout on her face as the most amusing seductive thing that he'd ever witnessed up to date.

"My sweet sugar bunny gonna let me stuff her right here," Sam continued to ask the most deranged things just to see that blush turn from pink to red, his hard somehow still calloused hands beginning to roam over Catherine's body once again. "gonna let me use her pretty cunt to satisfy myself?

As he finished asking the man couldn't help but smirk as his left hand finally once again came into contact with the small woman's left breast, yet his grip and movements remained rough as he squeezed and fondled as he liked.

Making sure to take in his imprint's facial expression to not make her upset, which he knew he wasn't as he heard a softly whimper leave Catherine's mouth as she felt his other hand rough grip at her right thigh before coming down to smack it loudly.

"Ah-" She couldn't help but yelp as she felt his larger-than-life hand come down to make contact with her leg, only to quickly feel herself clench up around nothing at the sudden shot of pain before she once again nodded her head and hummed. "mmhmm."

Once again gaining conformation from the sweet soft bunny laid out so neatly in front of him, pink and ready to be devoured by him Sam almost immediately grabbed a hold of the top of her dress.

Quickly pulling it down and her breast out, bringing them into full view for himself once again showcasing just how much of a boobs-over-butt type of guy he honestly was behind the scenes.

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