Chapter 5

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Allura woke the next day in the most pleasurable way imaginable surrounded by comfort of plush pillows and satin sheets. With a gasp, she remembered the events of the evening and wondered how Master Mephisto was faring today. I wonder if he will still want to kill me now that his reason to do so has gone, she mused. Not letting that thought phase her she found herself strangely anticipating seeing him again. His pull on her heart was tangibly felt for Allura. She could not deny a fascination for her would be murderer and the mystery of who he is and where he came from. That other worlds existed was not as fascinating as he was.

She quickly dressed and went directly to his quarters to check on him. The room was dark. She entered slowly. A voice from the darkness halted her steps.

"Why have you not left me? You could have departed most surreptitiously last night. I would not have been able to stop you. It appears you have rendered my powers useless. I am sure you are aware you are free to go." She heard his voice in the darkness. She could not even see his glowing red eyes. Perhaps he had finally removed the mask.

"I am free to go? But I do not know if I want to." She ruminated aloud.

"Why would you want to stay when I tried to kill you?" He said in a tone filled with regret and remorse yet faint hope.

"Because you did not take my life when you still had a chance to. I was paralysed on the altar and you knew that good sir." Allura's faith in him seemed ludicrous to common sense, but she had promised to choose the path to find true love. Her father clearly did not want her love, nor her rescue. Was it possible her love and filial devotion was meant for this mysterious star man instead?

Allura heard a loud sigh."Seeing the way you looked at me I could not do it. The trust you had shining out of your eyes and the certainty that death was nothing to fear ... Huh! Ironically it was you who paralysed me." He whispered quietly in the dark.

Inching slowly towards the sound of his voice, she stumbled across a small bag that spilled out contents from the top that clattered and clinkered on the hard floor.

In a louder tone after hearing her stumble, he said "That bag and its contents are yours. You will take it and not return to this place of misery. You are too good to tarry here and forsake a happy future for me." He stated this with certainty willing to let her go and lay down to die as he now felt he deserved.

"Master, no." she cried. Determined to distract him and find out more before he could tell her to leave again, she said"Can you not tell me your name, please?"

"My name is Zoyra. At home it means love and thus I believed I was to be akin to the most powerful force in the universe." Grimacing, he said, "How ironic. Now I see I know nothing about what the true power of love is. The only person who has lived up to this has been you. The way you came to rescue your Father, the gracious way you accepted your imprisonment, the adoration of your Mother and now how you can so willingly forgive me. It made you powerful enough to defy even death."

Despite his identity crisis, Zoyra was in awe of Allura and how she had humbled him in his arrogance and illusionary world of superiority so unexpectedly."You shame me. I have not been what I was named for, I have just been resentful about being abandoned desperate for a way to get off this rock. It is fitting now that it is the case for me with no way home and that you are now free to live the life you deserve."

Allura had so many thoughts racing, but prevalent was how interesting it was that she chose to find true love and here is a man before her with a name that literally means love! Surely that is a sign?, she thought. Okay so he is not a normal man and one I would never expected to want to be with. But I do not want to leave, she thought in silence. Hearing his breathing and certain he knew she was still there she felt along the wall to inch closer.

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