~ "My beating heart.." ~ (chp 1)

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"I hate him, no, I love him, no.. gosh, I hate this!", the albino man groaned at his mixed feelings about the man he, thought, he hated.. he rolled over onto his side, staring at the shadow of what should be the spot where his dresser stands.. he wasn't too sure though. It was harder for him to see much with the lights off, as he can't see much color.
He whined as his mind was racing with thoughts.. he can't help but feel his heart beating faster and faster.. thinking about Tomioka's handsome face.. his dreamy.. face.. Sanemi shook his head, hitting his head a few times.. his cheeks were covered in a fade pink blush.
'no.. I can't actually like him.. FUCK! If I'm blushing like this, I don't wanna see how'd I'll be near that man!!' the flustered man attempted to get rid of these thoughts, only to go back to them in a few more minutes later. He eventually stuck with the plan of avoiding Tomioka.
He shut his eyes, forcing him to get some sleep for tomorrow.

~ { Shinazugawa's dream.. } ~

The feeling of strong, callous hands running down to his waist.. only onto his hips and pulling him into a gentle, yet tight, embrace.. he felt at peace; something he hadn't felt in a long, long time..
he felt the man before him pushing his head onto his own chest. Sanemi didn't even hesitate to nuzzle into the man's muscular chest, taking in his lovely scent with a sniff of his long and dark hair.
The man's hands ran down to Sanemi's ass, just pulling him closer and kissing his forehead..
Sanemi felt— *RING, RING*

~ a sad awakening to a loud alarm ~

The loud alarm rang loudly, awakening Sanemi from his dream.. he smashed the alarm clock and quickly stand up, his eyes darting to the clock (let's assume they have clocks) on the wall.. fuck, he was late.
He hopped out of bed, rushing to the closet to dress as quickly as possible.. he didn't have no time to think about his dream.
he gently patted the wrinkles out of his clothes. He brushed his hair a bit, it was gonna look softer than usual to the others, not as spiky as he usually makes it appeal as.. but he really didn't give a damn currently.
He rushed out the door and quickly walked over to the corps headquarters, his pace lessened as he finally arrived.. he just kneeled down in his spot and apologized to the master for his late arrival. Luckily, the meeting just started.. so It wasn't too much of a problem to handle.
Kagaya nodded his head calmly, "it is no problem, Shinazugawa. We all make mistakes.", he continued on with his speech and whatever else he had to discuss to the other hashira.. he soon went over each missions the hashira were being sent on.. it was a long list.
"Lastly, Tomioka Giyu and Shinazugawa Sanemi will be sent on a important mission together. This will take about a week's long trip, so please, behaves yourselves..", Kagaya added at the end, knowing how much the two men 'hated' each other.
God fucking dammit! How unlucky could Sanemi get?! He wanted to protest against it so badly yet he remained silent. The meeting soon ended, allowing the hashira to leave..

~ that stupid man.. ~

All the hashira stood up and left.. well, that's what Sanemi assumed as he walked away.. to only be stopped by a hand on his shoulder..
His man's hand was rough and calloused but.. oh so.. warm.. it felt just like the hands he felt on his body in his dream. He looked over at the man whose held onto his shoulder.. and as expected, stood Tomioka Giyu..
"Shinazugawa.." Tomioka spoke, in his usual cold, emotionless tone. It wasn't anything new but it still didn't fail to make Sanemi's heart feel as if to explode.
Shinazugawa was gonna speak.. but he felt his hand run down to Sanemi's wrist.. as if Tomioka was hesitating to do something..
"...tomioka...?" Sanemi spoke in a confused whisper.. he stared at Giyu.
Tomioka looked away... letting go of Sanemi's arm and walking off, leaving Sanemi confused and with a bunch of mixed feelings..

(711 words)

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