The plan

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Authors note: I apologize if this chapter is short, please do request if you want more! Thank u!
(Enjoy reading!)

Charlie was gone for a month on vacation with vaggie to celebrate their eachother s victory of winning the end of extermination, lucifer and alastor are in charge of the hotel.

day 1 of them being gone

lucifer woke up with messy blond hair and with his pj's on, he got up and got ready. He washed his face, fixed his hair and got in his white suit, put on his black boots. Just as he was heading out he saw alastor coming out of his room too

" oh, good morning Alastor! " he smiled and gave a little wave, Alastor on the other hand zoned out for a little bit and lucifer noticed, he walked over to alastor going on his tippy toes to wave infront of him

" hellooooo?? Are you ignoring me now or what? " alastor got back to reality, he noticed him and looked at him with a grin

" oh!~ good morning to you too my lord~ whatever would be the pleasure? " he teased, lucifer got on his feet and scoffed

" ughhhh. Quit with the " my lord " thing! It's getting pretty annoying. " he crossed his arms and looked the opposite way

" oh but that is your role isnt it?~ To be the king of hell? It would be disrespectful to not call a royal a proper name now isnt it?~ " he teased, as he bent down to get eye level to lucifer

lucifer got annoyed, " whatever, lets go " *they both went to the elevator, lucifer pressed down to the main lobby, he looked at his ring and holds it, moving it left and right

" where are you now, my love. " he whispered, kissing the ring before reaching to the main lobby, the elevator door opens and they walk out. Angel noticed the king walking to their direction

" well your majesty! I didnt know you were actually going to stay here, its quite a pleasure honestly. " angel laughed, so did Lucifer.

" well yes, my daughter needs me and my support you know? I cant do the same like i did.. well, before. " Lucifer got flashbacks on how he ignored charlie ever since lilith left. he zoned out staring at his ring and sighed " i cant really express how I feel to most people, unless if its serious then yeah, I'll leave you two alone? "

angel nodded as lucifer left the bar and hears the door open, "huh? who's tha- " he turned his head and saw HIM. what is he doing here, he thought to himself.

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