00 .

98 3 1

nyc 📍6:49 pm .
NDOT POV : i was sitting on my gaming chair playing da game then i had got a text message from someone

870 *** ****
yo shorty where my weed ?

301 *** ****
nigga what weed  ?

870 *** ****
bru von stop playing wit me .

301 *** ****
my name ain't von dummy 

870 *** ****
shit my bad but watch yo mouth

301 *** ****

6:54 pm
i had got off my phone and went to put my shoes on and a hoodie to walk to da deli cuz i was hungry . i start walking then i go inside and see dd osama . dd is my opp and i'm thinking should i spin or nah ?

this is the end please let me know how yall like thiss and yes it will be longer chapters 💋 .


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