Chapter 7

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“Well, if it isn’t the man of the hour,” was what Liam said when Damon came out in his suit.
“I say we have a smoke before we go. You up for that?” Damon asked, fishing in his pocket for a lighter.
“Yeah, sounds good, me thinks.”
They smoked out in Damon’s carport. Damon watched as Liam put his lips to the cigarette, blowing a cloud into the air.
“I remember Noely wanted to kill me when I first started on fags. He warned me I’d get addicted to 'em and told me to back off. Should’ve listened,” he said.
“Yeah, it's a bitch. How old were you when you started?” Damon asked. He had a feeling that Liam had probably been doing this for a long time.
“I wanna say 13. Stole a pack from me brother.”
Damon nodded, and took a puff off his own cigarette. Putting it out in the ashtray after a few minutes, he jingled his keys. “I’m ready whenever you are, love.”
Liam was enamoured by the lobsters at the restaurant. While they waited for a table to clear up, he stared through the glass of the tank, watching them wave their claws and walk the floor of the tank.
“D’you think they ever get bored in there, Damon?” he asked.
Damon chuckled and said, “I’m sure they manage just fine as long as no one tells them they’re gonna be on someone’s plate.”
They were seated and ordered drinks. Liam tapped his knuckles on the table, his eyes on the fish tank in the corner.
“Say, what d’you think is in there, Liam?” Damon asked, pointing over at the tank.
“Fish,” Liam said, sipping his daiquiri. That got a laugh from Damon.
“I meant what kind of fish, love. They look like goldfish, but I can’t tell.”
“Their heads are big,” Liam noted.
“So, what d’you think you’ll be having? You’re officially allowed to kill my wallet tonight, dear.”
Liam smiled, feeling butterflies in his stomach. “Thinkin’ of picking a lobster out from the tank. I saw a few big ones in there, wouldn’t mind one of them.”
“Sounds lovely. I think I’ll have crab legs, season for them has been good I hear.”
As Liam went to pick out a lobster, one of the waitresses said, “Your boyfriend’s cute. It’s nice of you to take him out on a lovely night like this.”
Damon sputtered on his margarita. That was a consequence of fooling around with Liam in public that he hadn’t considered: people would actually see them together.
“He’s a good lad,” was what he said in response.
They ate their food, Damon watching Liam as he chewed. He looked so gorgeous in the moment, he thought. That was when something occurred to Damon. Used to seeing him sexed up and raunchy as ever at the club, he noticed that this was the first time he had really seen Liam as a normal person.
“You truly look stunning, my love,” Damon said, holding his hand out over the table for Liam to take. Liam gently took it, red tinge starting to creep it’s way across his face. Damon felt his own face heating up as he felt Liam grasp him.
“Your blushing, Day,” was what Liam said to him.
Staring into his eyes, Damon replied, “You are too.”
Damon made sure to let Liam say goodbye to the lobsters before they left. He laughed as Liam apologized for eating one of them.
“You folk are nice and allat, but you looked really tasty too. One of you had to go.”
“C’mon Liam, they know you're sorry. Let’s get home,” Damon said, smiling and tugging at his arm.
“Wanting to bed me already, huh Albarn? And you say I’m insatiable.”
“You’re the one assuming I’m taking you home to shag you. But that does sound like a good idea, if I have any say in it.”
After they walked through the door, Damon started to get his wallet out. “I’ve got another 200 in a drawer somewhere, I’ll get it-”
Liam stopped him. “It’s fine, Damon. I’m not worried about your money right now.”
Damon decided that if Liam didn’t care about the money, than neither did he. He held his waist and leaned in for a kiss.
“We should be upstairs, me thinks,” Liam said.
“I like the way your mind works, love,” Damon responded.
They were in the bedroom, Damon tugging at Liam’s shirt and unbuttoning it.
“You looked so good for me today. Can’t wait to feel you again.”
“Yeah? You gonna take good care of me, aren’t you?” Liam pulled Damon in for a kiss. He began to climb on top of him on the bed, discarding his shirt.
“You’re bloody breath-taking, Liam,” Damon said as Liam stared into his eyes.
Grinning, Liam said, “I know.”
Damon laughed. “Cocky, yeah? Don’t worry, I’ll fuck the attitude right out of you.”
They were fully undressed, Liam pressed up against the mattress as Damon reached a hand down to grab both of their cocks.
“Been wanting to get you like this all damn day,” Damon said, caressing Liam’s face with his fingertips.
“Really? You get through the day thinking about me laying underneath you looking all pretty?” Liam’s face was flushed. He was enjoying the more tender parts of their interactions way too much.
“I have a question for you,” Damon said, licking his lips.
Damon gave a mischievous smile. “You ever been eaten out before?”
Liam’s breath hitched. “Not in a while. I rarely get spoiled like that. Most clients want to shag me and go, y’know what I mean?”
Damon’s eyes darkened. “How about I treat you, then?”
Liam felt undeniably flustered as Damon dipped his head between his legs. He gently rested his head back against the pillow as he felt Damon kiss the skin around his hole. After he had teased him enough, Damon licked a slow stripe up Liam's crack, making him shiver. He gently licked at his entrance, making Liam moan in fever.
“Yeah, that’s it, love- Damon!” His voice faltered as Damon poked his tongue inside him. He had a fistful of blonde hair, grinding up against the older man’s face. Damon continued to lick him open, sucking on his hole and making him whine.
As Damon pulled away, Liam was gasping. Wiping his face as a slight comedic gesture, he asked with a cheeky grin, “How was that?”
Calming down, Liam panted, “Good. Need more of you, though.”
Liam was stroking Damon’s cock, looking up at him with pure lust in his eyes. “Haven’t had you in me mouth for a few days, now. Let’s change that.”
He took Damon into his throat, not taking his eyes off him the entire time. The blonde shook as he slurped him up eagerly, eventually grabbing his head and guiding him up and down along his length.
“You look so good like this- fuck-
Liam popped off. “You know I could live off of a diet of cock. Now get in me.”
Laughing, Damon got up and flipped them so Liam was laying on his back.
“In my 28 years of life, I never would’ve thought I’d meet someone like you," he said, feeling a flutter of fondness in his chest.
Despite stretching him out earlier with his tongue, Damon still wanted to prep Liam solely for the joy of watching him get impatient and annoyed.
“C’mon, Damon. Need to feel you inside me,” Liam moaned, tapping the mattress frantically.
“Okay love, I won’t keep you waiting.”
He grabbed the bottle of lube from off the nightstand and began to stretch Liam with his fingers. By the third one, Liam was grinding down against his hand.
Damon chuckled. “Let me get a condom from my wallet, love.”
Liam’s eyes fluttered as Damon pushed inside him. His head was thrown back as they were lost in the throes of pleasure. Raking his nails down Damon’s back, Liam felt close to tears.
“You always feel so- so good, ah-”
“Yeah?” Damon decided to play a dirty game. “You know, I had sex with my wife on Wednesday, after we talked. I thought about you the entire time.”
Liam pulled Damon’s head down, staring him in the eyes as he asked, “Is she as good as me, Albarn?”
“No. No one’s as good as you, Liam. Bloody hell, you feel so tight.”
“Mm-hmm.” Liam snaked his tongue into Damon’s mouth. After trailing a line of saliva between their lips, he said, “That’s what I thought.”
Damon was busy giving Liam lovebites as he fucked him, relishing how deliciously tight his body was around him. He started to feel warm and fuzzy inside. He wasn’t going to be long.
“Yeah, you gonna cum? I know you’re close,” Damon said, egging Liam closer and closer to the edge. “Let it out, love. C’mon, let go for me.”
Liam started shaking. Wrapping his legs tight around him, nails digging into his back, he started to come undone. Silent cries escaping his lips, he shuddered as he came.
It wasn’t much longer until Damon unloaded inside the condom, grabbing Liam’s face and kissing him as he did so. He felt Liam twitch around him as he pulled out. Throwing the condom in the trash, he climbed back into bed.
“I’m gonna miss this tomorrow,” Damon said as he cuddled up next to Liam.
“Are you gonna miss me?” Liam whispered.
Damon breathed for a second, silence growing between them. Then, he said, “Yeah, I am.”
“You're still gonna come and see me at the club, right?”
“Of course. I really enjoy spending time with you.”
Liam gave a sad smile towards the door. “Y’know, I would have done this for free.”
Damon was rubbing circles into his bare hips. “You need your money, love. I’m happy to provide. Gotta make sure you and your brother have food on the table.”
“I mean it. Ye don’t have to pay me for tonight.” Liam was internally screaming at himself. What was he doing?
Shifting slightly, Damon said, “Nonsense. You’re getting 300 quid for tonight whether you like it or not.”
“Yes, love?”
Liam sighed. “Nothing.”
As they got closer to sleep, Liam thought about the night before. What they said, how Damon had hurt his feelings, even though he didn’t mean to. How Damon had held him in his arms. The words echoed in his head.
“I love you.”
Suddenly, Liam asked Damon something that jolted him. “Last night, did you mean it?”
“What d’you mean?” Damon’s stomach was churning. Liam did hear him that night. Fuck.
“When you told me you loved me before we fell asleep. Did you mean it?”
“Liam...” Damon felt like his world was crumbling. How could he have been so careless? “I shouldn’t have said it.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
This couldn't be happening right now. Damon’s eyes were wide. His fingernails dug into the skin of Liam’s thighs. “Can we please talk about it in the morning?”
Liam brushed his bangs out of his eyes. “Yeah.”
Damon turned during his rest the whole night. He was lucky that Liam was a heavy sleeper.
When he got up the next day, Damon prayed that Liam would forget about their conversation the night before. Justine got back from Wales today, he couldn’t deal with it. Thankfully, the morning was quiet as he and Liam sipped their tea.
“You sleep good last night?” Liam asked. Something in his voice almost seemed accusatory. Damon decided to ignore that.
“Yeah. You?”
Liam tapped his fingers on his tea mug. “Wasn’t bad.”
“I suppose I better get you back home. Hopefully Noel doesn’t kill me when he sees you returned in one piece.” Damon gave an awkward laugh. Knowing Liam wasn’t going to budge, he quieted.
“Yeah... I really enjoyed yesterday, y’know? I haven’t been that happy in a long time.” Liam stared down at his feet after saying it.
“Glad I could do summat nice. You deserve it. You deserve good things, Liam. Good people...” Damon didn’t know where to go from there. A nasty thought rang in the back of his mind. Liam deserves better than you.
“Thanks, Damon. Means a lot. So, when does your bird get back?”
Damon sighed. “Sometime this afternoon. I suppose I should probably take you home.”
“Yeah. Too bad your wife innit gone every weekend, I could really make a living off of visiting with you.”
Damon remembered that Liam had told him not to give him money the night before. He straightened up in his seat. “Speaking of making a living, d’you really not want me to pay you for last night? It’s really not a problem, I can afford it-”
Liam looked at Damon like he was disappointed. “I stand by what I said, I don’t just want your money. I was happy to spend the time with you, Damon.”
“Okay.” Damon found it odd. Why else would Liam have even agreed to stay with him if he didn’t want the money?
“Guess we better get back to me and Noely’s, yeah?” Liam said, getting up out of his chair.
“Yeah. Wish you could stay longer.” A part of Damon meant it. The other part of him was internally having a breakdown.
“Me too.”
In the car, they were mostly quiet. Then, Liam asked, “You're really still gonna come and see me after this?”
Damon told the truth. “I like being with you, that hasn’t changed. I plan on it.”
Damon gave Liam a kiss before dropping him off. He wondered if he would tell Noel about last night. He started laughing, realizing that Noel had every right to want to kill him. Damon truly despised himself for fucking up so bad.
When Justine got back, Damon was sitting on the loveseat watching television. He had managed to put the ordeal with Liam aside for the time being.
“I missed you, dear. How was Wales?” he asked, getting up to see her.
“Oh, same as usual. I see you had Graham over. Funny, I didn’t think he was much of a morning person.”
“I didn’t-” Oh. Damon realized that him and Liam’s tea mugs were still out on the table. “Occasionally he likes to spice things up. We all do, I suppose.”
“I think we should go out to dinner later tonight. How about that seafood place?” Justine asked.
If Damon had a drink, he would have spat it out. “Can we avoid going out tonight? My stomach is a little queasy.”
“Oh. Sure, it’s no big deal. We can do it when you get feeling better.”
For once, Damon hadn’t lied to his wife. He felt like he could vomit right about then.

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