God Is Safer Sex

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Liam had remembered the first time he had heard of the Manic Street Preachers. He had seen the video for Love’s Sweet Exile air on TV back in fall of 1991, back when he was only 19 years old.
“Who are they?” Liam asked, dreamily staring at the TV screen as Richey Edwards and Nicky Wire held each other lovingly and ran their hands over each other.
“Manic Street Preachers,” said his older brother, Noel. “You like ‘em?”
Seeing the two Manics members kiss in black and white, near full-frontal glory was what Liam considered to be his true sexual awakening. He became obsessed with the band, and bought a copy of Generation Terrorists when it released the next year in February.
“Aren’t they just the most beautiful blokes you’ve ever seen, Noely?” Liam would ask as he held his cherished copies of NME. Noel eyed the pictures of Richey and Nicky for a moment, nodding his head slowly and raising an eyebrow.
“They’re fine enough, I guess,” he responded, somewhat nonchalantly. “They look like they’re in love with each other.”
Noel wasn’t wrong. They did look rather fruity, Liam thought. He had always considered that a part of their charm.
“Mm-hmm. That’s what I like about ‘em,” Liam said, grinning at his ever-amused brother, who just rolled his eyes and let him continue to gawk at his magazine.
When Oasis made it big two years later, Liam had found that most people he met in the music industry he couldn’t stand. He remembered what Noel had told him about never meeting your idols.
“Did you see what Richey Edwards said about that posh Albarn fuck?” Liam asked Noel excitedly as they walked the street one night. Noel shook his head, signaling he hadn’t.
“No, what was he on about?”
“Said he’s why Elastica got the BRIT award. Talked about how sick it made it him to see Frischmann on his arm,” Liam responded, grinning wildly at the thought of Richey’s disapproval of the blonde frontman. Noel gave a snort.
“Sounds like he’s a bloke with his head screwed on properly,” he replied, not quite understanding of his brother’s obsession with all things Manic Street Preacher but still trying to give him an outlet to talk.
“I’d love to have me a chat with him and Nicky someday. Bet they’re both so cool to be around.” Liam practically had hearts in his eyes, but Noel was suspicious of the idea.
“You don’t know them, Liam. They could be a bunch of cunts.”
Liam wasn’t convinced. Nothing could break him of his love for the glamour twins. He pointed out something that Noel couldn’t deny.
We’re both a bunch of cunts too, Noely.”
Noel took a moment, processing the thought through his head as they walked. “I suppose you’re right about that. Fine, fair enough.”
Oasis had been touring summer of the next year to support the release of their ever-successful debut album, Definitely Maybe. As of the time, they were playing in Amsterdam. It was after the show, and Liam had decided to head off to the Red-Light District for what he described to Noel as “good ole self-indulgent fun”. Noel had scoffed at the words.
“Have fun slagging it up. I’m heading back to the pub to get knackered,” he said, pointing in the other direction of the street and turning to walk off.
“Hey Noely!” Liam shouted, making him look back.
“What?” he asked. Liam smirked.
“Got a spare condom on you?”
“Fuck off.”
Liam had noticed the gay bath house when he was about a block down the street. He glanced over to the entrance and quickly averted his eyes, not wanting some random passerby to recognize him looking at it.
After Liam had saw no one around looking at him, he dashed over into the alley a bit further down and dashed around the corner to where the door was. Cautiously walking inside, he tried to keep his stride steady as he made his way over to the bar. He squeezed in and took a seat.
“Hello there, darling,” said the bartender. He had startlingly blue eyes and blonde hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. “What can I get for you?”
Liam bit his lip and fluttered his eyes, looking down at his thin chest. The bartender was fairly tall, so he didn’t have to look down a lot.
“Get me a lager, would you?” he asked, batting his eyelashes to see if he could get him to react.
“Oh, you’re a sweet little thing. Sure, hold on a minute,” said the bartender, smiling at him like he knew his game. Liam supposed he wasn’t particularly good at hiding it.
Liam couldn’t see it, but two men were eyeing him from the red leather booths in the back of the bar section. They walked up to him and sat in the two empty seats beside him.
“You’re one of those Oasis blokes, aren’t you?” When Liam turned to look at the source of soft Welsh accent, he was stunned. It was Richey Edwards.
“Yeah,” said the other man, leaning over his shoulder a little. Liam could tell he was tall. “You’re the younger one. Liam, right?” Of course, it was Nicky Wire.
“Mm,” Liam pressed his lips together and looked down at his hands, which were rested on the wood of the bar. “I am,” he said looking back up and seeing the bartender giving him a knowing smile as he set his lager down in front of him.
“Hey Finn, why don’t you add it to our tab? He can drink on us for the night,” said Nicky, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. It made Liam feel a little vulnerable, but he also liked it a lot.
Richey looked beautiful, his brunette hair long since grown back since he last shaved it (it was now a little longer than Liam’s), his dark eyes gazing at Liam’s shocked face and smiling at him. He was even wearing his signature crucifix necklace. Oh God, he thought. This can’t be fucking real.
“Holy shite. Uh, thank you,” Liam breathed, his eyes quickly dashing back down to his hands. Richey put a hand on his other shoulder, and Liam could tell he was already a little drunk.
“You’re welcome. It’s your first time here, isn’t it?” Richey asked, looking at him somewhat understandingly. “It’s okay, I was nervous too when I went to a bath house for the first time.” Richey’s eyes were soft and kind, and Liam was about three seconds away from fainting as he felt Nicky squeeze him.
“At least you figured out what you want early. I will admit, I’ve seen you in the papers before, and you always gave me the vibe, if y’know what I mean,” Nicky said, watching his face as if he was hoping for a reaction. Liam supposed it was a taste of his own medicine.
“’The vibe?’ Wait- you thought I was gay?” Liam questioned like it was the most incredulous thing in the world. Nicky nodded, flipping his hair and curling it back behind his ear. His aquamarine eyes sparkled with amusement.
“One of your songs has the lyric ‘how does it feel when you’re inside me’. We both took a lucky guess. I’m assuming you didn’t come in here for the fine scenery,” Nicky’s eyes flickered over to Richey, and they looked at each other as if confirming something with one another. The place was nicely decorated, but Nicky was right, that hadn’t been why Liam had come in.
“Thanks Finn,” Richey said as the bartender came back over with Liam’s lager. “So, Liam, d’you happen to recognize us from anywhere?” The question was asked with a certain amount of jest. Richey could tell Liam knew who they were and was freaking out.
“Uh-” Liam was at a loss for words. He was desperately trying to clear his head and think but it just wasn’t happening. Nicky picked up on his anxiety and tugged at his jacket sleeve, trying to ease his nerves.
“Don’t worry love, we don’t bite, contrary to public opinion. Unless you want us to, that is,” he said, supplying the words with a wild grin.
Liam shifted in his seat, lifting his lager to his lips and sipping it down. Richey brushed his bangs out of his face and looked at Nicky.
“I’m gonna get another orange juice with vodka. I’ll let you try a little, if you’d like that Liam.” Richey bit his nails, smiling shyly around his fingertips. He was so attractive to Liam that it was driving him crazy.
“Shite, uh-” Liam looked into Richey’s fawn-like eyes and felt his heart flutter in his chest. “Sure, why not? Me thinks it can’t hurt anything.”
Liam had remembered his days from reading Manics interviews in magazines that Richey had used to get smashed off of drinking orange juice and vodka. He tapped his fingers, still feeling a little nervous, and eyed Richey’s lips. They were soft and plush, and he was almost tempted to lean in and kiss him.
“So, Liam. What brings you into a place like this?” Nicky asked, steadying his elbow on the bar and resting his chin on it. Liam gulped down some of the dryness in his throat, continuing to drink in an attempt to appease it.
“Just wanted to- well, to be honest, I kinda wanted to hook up with someone.” Liam figured he had no room to hide his true intentions. Nicky nodded, his eyes shining a little brighter at the statement.
“I’ve seen you talk in interviews before,” he admitted, watching as Finn tended the other bar-goers. His gaze then flickered back to Liam. “I know you’re smart. So, I think you can probably take a guess as to why we’re chatting you up.”
Liam hated it when people made him read between the lines. He didn’t want to misinterpret Nicky and Richey’s kindness and drive them away. However, it seemed like they were hitting on him.
“Could you maybe enlighten me a little? I’m a little dull in the head sometimes, y’know what I mean?” Liam asked, laughing awkwardly. Nicky shook his head and flipped his hand.
“No, no, you’re fine. Me and Rich just like getting a little company sometimes. I’m sure you can imagine how dull it is to just head back to the hotel room and sleep every night.”
Liam nodded, tugging at the buttons on his shirt. “You want me company? You think I’m cool enough to hang out with you?” He blushed vivid red as the two Welsh men began to wickedly laugh.
“You think we’re cool?” Richey asked incredulously. “The tabloids are right, you are a fucking nutter.”
“We make do with what we can, y’know?” Nicky twirled a strand of his hair in his fingers and gave a small smile. “But you always seemed pretty alright to us, and we wanted to talk to you. Besides, you’re a pretty lad.”
The words made Liam blush. Nicky really thought he was pretty?
“Oi, Finn. Get me an orange juice and vodka, please. Also, if you could make that extra sweet for this one, here,” Richey said, glancing over at Liam.
“Get me a Long Island iced tea, please,” Nicky said. “You might want to avoid this one, Li. I first tried one of these over in America while we were on tour, nearly knocked me to the bloody ground it was so strong.” Nicky chuckled as Liam sipped his beer. It made the younger man feel flustered inside.
“I could take it, me thinks. How bad is it?”
“It fucks you up a bit, that’s for sure. Try not to get too loaded though. Me and Rich still wanna have a little fun with you,” Nicky looked down at their feet before moving his eyes back up to Richey.
“I saw you first. Thought you looked really good and didn’t want some other geezers getting to you before us,” said Richey. He smiled a little. “Hopefully we’ve made a good impression on you.”
“Fucking hell.” Liam felt feverish as he watched the bartender (he supposed he should be calling him Finn) make the glamour twins’ drinks. “Yeah. Certainly wasn’t expecting to get chatted up by you lot, but I’m not complaining.”
“We thought you were very special,” Nicky told him. “Richey even has a few Oasis posters up in his flat.”
“Don’t tell him that!” Richey socked Nicky’s arm and snorted nervously. “Fine, yeah, I do. I saw the music video for Supersonic and realized I kinda had a crush on you. Thought you were cute.”
Liam couldn’t believe what he was hearing. All of the time he had been famous, he never would have expected his idols to have actually been watching him on TV.
“Really? What did you like about me?” was what Liam found himself asking next. He saw Richey blush, and realized Nicky was staring at him expectantly.
“Quit doing that, I’ll tell him. Well-” Richey paused, brushing his bangs out of his face. “You had kind of an innocent vibe to you. You’re very much a classic beauty, in my opinion.”
There was no way that Richey Edwards had just called him a ‘classic beauty’. Liam’s cheeks were heating up fiercely at that point. They really seemed to like him.
Finn brought over their drinks and set them down. If Liam had to guess, this had been far from the first time that the two had come into the bath house.
“Thanks, Finn. Here love, try a little of this. You can’t even taste the alcohol,” Richey said, passing his glass over to Liam. Liam dipped the straw into his mouth and sipped. He could definitely taste the alcohol, but thankfully didn’t mind it too bad. Vodka wasn’t really his thing, but overall the burning sensation he got in his throat was akin to what he got from his lager.
“You’re so fucking wrong it isn’t funny.” Liam’s lip quirked a little at the thought. “But thank you.”
“Oh, he’s certainly polite, I like that. And to think the tabloids paint you as being inconsiderate.” Nicky smiled, all too aware of what the papers were capable of. Liam supposed a perk of being famous is that he understood the struggles that came with it. It was humorous in a way, given that a teenaged version of Liam would have slapped himself for saying that people with money could even have struggles.
“Well, they don’t know who I really am. The only person who knows that is me brother, Noely.” It was as real as he could get. Noel knew him better than anyone else, and probably always would. Sometimes in the midst of his popularity, Noel was his only source of true comfort.
“I hear you two fight a lot,” Nicky said, drinking from his iced tea. “How true is that?”
“Eh, we’re brothers, we get into spats. Its still all love on the fronts, though, as far as I’m concerned,” Liam said, finishing his lager. “Ah, you mind letting me get a sip from yours, Wire?” he asked, tasting Nicky’s stage name in his mouth. It felt sweet on his tongue. Of course, that could have been the leftover residue from Richey’s drink.
“Yeah, sure. Oi Finn, get our lad here another lager, he’s been good.” Nicky shot a grin at the bartender as he passed by.
“You two gonna be spoiling him real well tonight, I’m guessing?” He took Liam’s glass and refilled it with cold beer. Handing it back, he waited for a response.
“He’ll be taken care of, that’s for sure,” said Nicky. “Pretty boys like him need a little extra love, isn’t that right Liam?”
Liam squeaked as he felt Nicky’s hand trail on his thigh. He squeezed the skin, making Liam gasp. Richey giggled, and it made him feel a little self-conscious.
“We’ll treat him right,” he added, taking his hand and rubbing it. Liam was warm and fuzzy inside, and he was admittedly hoping for more touching from the two Welsh stars.
“Treat me right? How so?” Liam asked. He waited for a response as he downed his lager.
“Well, I’m sure you know that there’s plenty of private rooms around here,” said Nicky, looking back over his shoulder and viewing the various doors on the wall. “I was thinking we could go back into one of them and spend some time getting- properly acquainted. What d’you think about that, Liam?”
Liam realized what was happening. They wanted him. “Oh- yeah, yeah. Sounds like a good plan, me thinks.”
“Aww, Nick, I think he’s a little nervous,” said Richey, his eyes kindly staring him over. “Don’t worry, Liam. We’ll take really good care of you, I promise.” Richey finished his drink and eyed the wall behind them. “Speaking of that, how about we get to it? You know how drinking gets in my system, I could use a bit of tension relief,” he admitted, looking over at Nicky before standing up. Nicky got up as well, steadying himself on Liam’s shoulder for balance. Brushing invisible dust off his knees, Liam was the last to get up, wobbling a bit and nearly falling. Nicky thankfully caught him, and the two older men helped pull him back on his feet.
“Let’s get you back somewhere more private,” Richey said. He grabbed ahold of Liam’s hand again and helped lead him. Nicky drunkenly kept an arm wrapped around him, his hand grasping at Liam’s shirt and pulling on it absentmindedly. Finally, they made their way towards the back and into one of the empty rooms.
Liam only had a few seconds to breathe before Nicky had him pressed up against the door. He heard the lock click behind him, and soon Nicky was grabbing his face and eyeing his features.
“Mmm, so stunning. We’re gonna make you feel real good, right Rich?”
“Yeah. Gonna give him the thrill of his fucking life.” Richey grinned as Nicky took Liam’s mouth in a passionate kiss. Liam had no choice but to melt into it, the desire he felt for Nicky and Richey to use him making him practically helpless against Nicky’s rough lips. It took all of his willpower not to moan as Nicky prodded his tongue into his mouth. Safe to say, he failed.
“Aww,” Richey cooed, seeming thoroughly entertained by Liam’s eagerness. “Look how needy he is. It won’t be hard to turn him on. I bet he’s already a little stiff in his trousers.”
Richey was right. Liam could feel himself hardening up as Nicky’s tongue licked around the cavern of his mouth, relentlessly dominating his own. Nicky pulled away, and before Liam knew it, he was being scooped up and thrown on the bed.
“Take these off for you,” Richey said, pulling at his shoes and socks. Liam couldn’t help but stare in wonder at the two of them, desperately ready for whatever was to come next.
“Since we’re taking care of you tonight, Liam-” Nicky stopped, unbuttoning his jumper and tossing it to the side. “What would you like us to do to you?”
“I- fuck, mm, want you to touch me,” Liam said, tossing his head back and spreading his legs apart. Richey looked between them and smiled at him.
“Yeah, bet you do,” he commented, reaching up to the younger man’s groin and palming him through his jeans. Liam let out a soft moan at the friction, and bucked his hips up to get more.
“Look at him, Rich,” Nicky said, crawling up onto the bed and placing his hands on Liam’s waistband. “He’s so desperate. You want Richey to suck your cock? He’s godly with that mouth of his.”
Liam nodded frantically, whimpering as Richey moved his hand away and Nicky pulled his trousers down. His hard cock popped up, causing Nicky and Richey to both laugh.
“He’s not even wearing any underwear. What a slag,” Richey mused, climbing on top of Liam and pulling his jacket off. He tugged his arms up and removed Liam’s shirt, leaving him completely naked. Then, he bent down and kissed him, their teeth clashing together slightly from the roughness.
“Oh, he's a pretty one. Look at his cock, all flush to his belly and leaking. Mmm, you want us to take care of you, don’t you sweet thing?” Nicky smiled as Richey took one of Liam’s pert nipples into his mouth and began to suck on it.
“Ahh- yeah, I do. Please.”
“You’re so sexy when you beg for it.” Richey was looking up at him and licking his lips as he wrapped a hand around his cock and began to stroke. “Tell me how much you want it, Liam.”
“Richey, fuck-” Liam gasped as he felt Richey’s mouth envelope him. It felt so good to finally have a mouth on his cock after a long day, and he’d be lying if he said the fact it was Richey Edwards’ mouth didn’t make it more appealing.
Richey’s crucifix necklace dangled from his neck as he bobbed his head up and down Liam’s length. Liam watched, stricken with an odd desire as he eyed the cool metal. He wondered how it’d feel against his skin.
“Uhh, Richey,” he moaned, tossing his head back as Richey swiveled his tongue around his tip. Liam might as well have died and gone to Heaven, as he’d never felt anything better than what he was feeling right now. Though admittedly, he couldn’t stop thinking about the crucifix. A deliciously dirty thought dawned upon him. He wondered how it would feel inside of him.
“Richey,” Liam whined, throwing his head to the side and panting. “C’mon, want you to do summat.” He pulled Richey off of him, and Richey and Nicky stared at him. Nicky sat down on the bed, running a hand across Liam’s bare chest and staring down at him in awe. In that moment, Liam knew what he wanted.
“What is it, Liam? Are you okay?” Nicky was sweet, too sweet as he gripped Liam’s cock and slid his hand up and down. Liam arched his back gingerly, letting out a soft groan.
“I want Richey to fuck me with his crucifix. Please, Rich?” Liam really was begging now, his eyes glossing over with desperation as he grinded his hips down and inched them forward in eagerness. He wanted it so bad it was making him feral.
“Hmm, what d’you think, Richey? Should we give Liam what he wants?” Nicky asked, looking over to Richey and smiling. Richey nodded his head.
“He’s been a good boy for us tonight, I think he deserves it. Makes the prettiest sounds when you suck his cock, I bet he’d like getting stuck up the arse.” Richey grinned, looking over to the bedside table where a fresh bottle of lube sat. “I see they replaced the lube,” he said, reaching over and grabbing the bottle.
Liam whimpered as Richey grabbed his ass cheek in his hand and squeezed it. Meanwhile, Nicky unbuttoned his trousers and slid them down, throwing his shirt over his head as well. He shimmied his underwear to his knees. To Liam’s amusement, they appeared rather lacy.
“Rumors are true, huh Wire? You got autogynephilia?” Liam smirked up a little at Nicky, reaching out to feel his cock from under the panties.
“Whatever you call it, I find it absolutely sexy. Judging by your stiffy, I’d say you do too,” Nicky smiled smugly at him. Liam snaked his hand into the panties, pulling Nicky’s cock out.
“Fuck, you’re big. Maybe I’ll let you fuck me next time,” Liam said as he flipped himself on his hands and knees and faced Nicky. Richey grabbed a handful of his ass and gave it a smack, causing Liam to moan.
“Let me lube it up first,” he said, taking it off his neck and squirting lube onto it. He greased it up with his fingers and rubbed the extra onto Liam’s hole. The sensation of Richey’s fingertips against his entrance made him shiver, and he let out another deep moan as Richey inserted his middle finger inside of him and curled it.
“Oh, fuck, Richey,” Liam whined as he continued to rub the digit up against his prostate. Richey’s fingers were short, but they were thick, and as Richey popped his index in alongside the second one Liam felt like he could die from how good it was.
“You really want me to fuck you with my crucifix?” Richey asked as he positioned it to Liam’s entrance. Liam nodded his head, feeling feverish and impatient.
Need it, Rich,” Liam tasted the shortened version of Richey’s name on his tongue. His mouth was watering from the thought of sucking Nicky off whilst Richey fucked him with the crucifix.
“Hear that, Richey?” Nicky’s glowing eyes lit up the angular features of his face. “He needs it.” Nicky looked down at Liam and petted his hair. “Be a good boy and suck me off. Richey’ll give you what you need.”
“Mmh, Nicky,” Liam moaned as he stroked Nicky’s cock. He was practically salivating for him at that point, and couldn’t help himself any longer. He stuck his tongue out and licked at the tip, tasting the pre-cum that leaked into his mouth.
“You taste so good,” Liam said, almost entranced by that point from Nicky’s salty flavor. Just then, he felt the cold insertion of metal into his ass. “Ohhh-”
“I’ve got you, you’re good. Just relax and enjoy it,” said Richey, pushing the end of the crucifix in deeper and deeper. Liam gasped, instinctively pushing his mouth down onto Nicky’s cock. He moaned around the length as Richey wiggled it inside him, burying it as deep as it could go.
“Feel good to you, Li?” Nicky asked, voice surprisingly tender for how rough he was sliding his cock into Liam’s throat. It made Liam’s heart admittedly feel a little fuzzy. He liked when Nicky used that tone of voice with him, whatever it was.
“Mmm- mhm,” Liam managed to hum out around his length. Suddenly, he felt the crucifix pulling out of him. Then, Richey slammed it back in, nearly making Liam produce tears.
He was gasping and moaning on Nicky’s cock as Richey fucked him with the crucifix. No amount of petty groupie sex could ever make him feel as good as he did then. He’d never be able to step into a church again.
Liam felt the muscles in his belly tighten up, and knew he was going to come soon. Nicky had beat him first, though; he was shooting down his throat, hot and sticky. It occurred to Liam that Richey had been jacking off behind him as he pulled off. He could feel the tip of his dick on his ass, and it edged him on. He came untouched, spurting onto the fresh white bedsheets crying something incomprehensible. They’d have to be cleaned, but it wasn’t Liam’s problem. It was a bath house, after all. He was sure it wasn’t their first time dealing with it.
“You can come, Richey. He did good for us, he wants you too. Right, Liam?” Nicky held Liam’s chin up and was staring him dead on. Liam gulped, nodding his head and making a weak moan from the sensation of being fucked after orgasm.
“I want you too, Richey. Please, give it to me.”
That was all it took for Richey to unleash on Liam’s back, bucking his hips up to him and letting out a couple of soft gasps. It was cute, Liam thought, that Richey was naturally quiet when he came. Liam rolled over, lying flat on his back. Nicky stared down at him, while Richey closed his eyes for a moment before saying, “I’m a little tired, Nick. Can we head back to the hotel?”
“Yeah, love, we can. It was nice seeing you, Liam. I’m gonna write our numbers down and hand them to you. Here, hold on a sec.” Nicky reached over to the bedside table, scribbling their numbers down onto a pad and ripping out the piece of paper. He handed it to Liam. “Here you go.”
“Thanks,” Liam said, trying to contain his smile. It almost worked.
They got dressed, and Richey and Nicky each gave Liam a kiss on the cheek before heading out of the room, leaving Liam alone. He thought about their individual touches as he sat back on the bed and put his shoes back on. Nicky had to lean down to meet him, while Richey had to stand on his tip-toes. It was funny to Liam how different, yet alike the glamour twins really were.
“Guess I’ll tell Noely he was wrong. They were cool,” he said, brushing his thighs and tugging his jacket on. He left out the room, giving a wave at the bartender before walking out of the club and heading back to his own shared suite with Noel for the night, ready to gloat about the experience he had for weeks to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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God Is Safer Sex {Richey Edwards x Nicky Wire x Liam Gallagher}Where stories live. Discover now