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Disclaimer: Not much needs to be said here. Obviously, I do not own this magnificent, fictional universe. All original concepts belong to J.K Rowling though, anything you don't recognize are all mineeeeeee.

Welcome to my first ever novel length story. If you haven't checked out my oneshot I made, please do, as some concepts that I covered on that story will be making their official appearance here though it's not required. Basically, you can read it if you want😁

Some of you have guessed but for those that haven't, this story will be in a sense, a sort of prequel for the oneshot I had made earlier. Some of you requested it and this was already in the works for some time now so here it is.

Just an expansion on the synopsis: Story officially begins at the end of 5th year. It's practically AU throughout the entire story. What do I mean by that? Well, throughout the story, there will be references to the past especially during Harry's earlier years in Hogwarts. Some events will be different compared to canon and some will be the same. This will reflect some of the decisions or scenarios that will take place in Harry's 6th year and beyond.

It's safe to assume everything from the end of 5th year is non-canon compliant. Some of you may be confused when I reference something that didn't take place the same way it did in canon, in Harry's former years, and all I can say to that, is be patient, I will eventually explain.

And finally, some of you may not be happy with the way some events took place in Harry's past and all I can say to that is, I had to do what I had to do.

Furthermore, some of you will be rolling their eyes especially during the beginning, few chapters as they are somewhat cliché and I do apologize for that. Reading the same sort of idea over and over is boring, trust me I know. Although I could've gone about doing things differently, I really wanted to progress the plot into the real meat and gravy of the story so yeah.

Story may be slow at the beginning but bear with it. I do need to lay down the foundation so we can get on to the good stuff.

Oh yes this is important: This is rated M for MATURE. You have been warned!

FINALLY, please review, review, review. They do help me out and lets me know that this is somewhat of a decent story. As always, any kind of review is welcome regardless of whether they're negative or positive, just try not to offend anyone😉


Chapter 1


July 2nd, 1996

A cool, summer breeze swept gently through the grounds of Little Whinging like a soft, loving mother's embrace. The rustling of foliage paired with the quiet squeaks of a pair of swings elevated the feeling of serenity that one would associate with a calm and peaceful summertime evening.

A young man laid across the small bump of a small hill, overlooking an equally small park he would sometimes go to avoid the hell he would reluctantly call home.

Black, long locks swayed gently with the air. A curious red, angry scar could be seen just briefly as his hair parted in time with the wind. The last visage of the setting sun glared against old, round glasses which held brilliant, emerald eyes. Eyes which held so much pain, so much suffering, that no young man and certainly no young child should ever endure.

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