Valentines day

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-Demi/Rhea pov-

Today was mine and Matt first valentines day as soon to be husband and wife it was also his first valentines day as a some what father.

I woke to my little girl laid across me, yep 11 years old and sometimes sleeps in the mothers bed, she tensed up and i moved to be in a more comfortable position my arm around her holding her. Not long after i woke up Matt woke up too "morning Matt" i smile as he leans over Boo and gives me a kiss "happy Valentines day" he says half asleep "happy Valentines day" i repeat back to him as i watch him stretch and get up "want me to make breakfast" he says and i nod still holding my sleeping daughter, he gives me another kiss before putting lounge wear on and walking out the room.

I lay there the only sound filling the room is my daughters breaths, i smile and sit in the quiet for a bit more enjoy our moment before waking her up "Boo baby come on" i said gently shaking her "i know my little koala" i smile kissing her forehead and sitting up encouraging her to wake up "mummy.." I hear her groan and i let out a soft chuckle come on princess its valentines day and you might have some gifts" i smile. I know Valentines was between two partners but since Becca was little i would always be here valentine and i didn't want that to stop because i had Matt now because Boo still mean the absolute world to me.

I finally got Boo up and as she was doing her teeth and changing me and Matt were on the kitchen, i was sat at the island drinking my ice coffee as he was making heart shaped pancakes for us three which melted my heart. I wad taking a sip of my coffee when Boo walked in Barry following her "hey Becca" Matt said "morning daddy" she tiredly made her way to me "morning mummy" she took the seat next to me and i smiled "morning princess" i said pressing another kiss to her forehead making her smile as she yawns "wash your face?" I asked and she nodded.

"Okay three heart shaped like for little miss Boo, and four pancakes for miss Demi" Matt smile giving us our plates which we thanked him for and he grabbed his plate and sat by Boo giving her a side hug. "So any plans?" I asked Boo smiling and she shakes her head "Ruby is out with her family today and Cara is ill" she says eating her food "ah okay" i sip my drink and finish off my pancakes and walk over to put the plate in the dishwasher "no boyfriend?" Mary teases her "dadd.." Boo says embarrassed "you better not be dating a boy at your age" i smile pretending to be a overprotective mum well i am protective but not to a point where it's stupid.

It was now later on the day and the three of us were finishing watching a movie "can i get what i made you" Boo smiles up at us "sure" i say and she runs off upstairs into her room. When she comes back she has a card for me and Matt handmade "thank you baby" i say and read mine.

Dear mummy,

Happy Valentines day thank you for loving me as much as you do and for not hating me for 'ruining your older teen years'.

I am very happy you are my mummy and i am your daughter!!

Love from, Boo aka Rebecca

"Aw baby i wouldn't hate your or want to be anyone elses mummy" i smile putting her card down and giving her a big hug "now daddy open his" she smiles and Matt reads his.

Dear daddy,

Happy Valentines day i want to thank you for loving my mummy and taking me on as your daughter i have had many of mummys exs pretend to like me to date her.

I am thankful i get to call you dad and soon you get to marry my mummy anf actually be my daddy.

Love from, Boo aka Rebecca.

Matt smiles looking up and Boo as he gets up and walks over to Boo hugging her "thank you Becca i love it i am also thankful i am your daddy" he smiles and i swear i saw him tear up.

"Now Boo want to have your gifts" i smile and she nods as Matt gets them "okay this is from me" i says handing her a bag, she opens it to a pair of earrings "thank you mummy! They so cute!" She smile as she hugs me "its okay baby" i says and she sits back down and Matt hands her a gift "thank you daddy" she says as she opens this bag. She pulls at a little box which she opened to reveal a necklace with a little heart pendant that says 'M+D+R' on it "mummy look its the first letter of our names" she says excitedly showed me "i see baby that is very cute" i smile.

I look at matt as he pulls another box out "now for Demi" he smiles looking at me, i take the box and open it to see my favorite chocolate and a new necklace "aw baby" i smile and he hands me a piece of paper "a free tattoo" i smile at him "you know me so well" i chuckle as i get his gifts, he opened the first one to a new watch then the second one to new socks because Boo told me to get them "thank you Dems and Boo" he smiled as he put the new watch on "and tonight we get to go out to eat!" I say and Boo cheers "yay!" She smiles very excited "but first take the dogs on a walk" i say and Boo rushes to her coat and shoes making me and Matt chuckle.

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