" Street light "

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Days passed away quickly and today was Monday which means Ist Day after summer holidays.

Every student made their way to school and so did Kemiko.

" Bye Grandma! See you after school"
Kemiko shouted while wearing her shoes.

" Alright dear ! Take care and have fun "
Her grandma shouted back and then she left.

Kemiko was walking down the streets , heading towards the bus station. Soon she arrived there and waited for her friends to come.

After a while later her friends came.

" Hi guys! "
Kemiko said as soon she saw both of them.

" Hi Kemiko how are you ? "
Nanny said.

" I'm good ! Have you two completed your assignment? "
Kemiko said.

" Yeah ! It was hard tho "
Sakura said.

" Not hard as mine ! It sucked all my blood"
Nanny said while sighing.

" Not bad as me ! I have to stay all night ! Look at my eye bags ! "
Kemiko said while pointing at her eye bags.

" Haha ! Stop joking around"
Sakura said while laughing.

"Oh look ! Bus arrived "
Nanny said and three of them entered the bus.

They reached the school after some minutes. They entered the building and saw huge crowd of students checking something on the notice board.

They too went to see what it was.

" New class arrangements"
Kemiko murmured to herself and shook her head.

" What !! We are getting seperated? "
Nanny said.

" Noo ! Not this year "
Sakura said.

Three of them checked the list under the notice board! It had the names of the respective students belonging to their new respective classes.

Three of them checked their names.

" Oh no ! I am in class A "
Kemiko whined as soon she saw her name in list A.

" What ! I'm in B "
Sakura said.

" Where's my name ??? "
Nanny said while searching for her name fastly.

" Here it's ! I'm in B too "
Nanny said as soon she saw her name in B list.

" What ! You two are in same class ? "
Kemiko said while pouting in sadness.

"We are sorry "
Both girl's said in unison.

" It's okay! It's not your fault"
Kemiko replied.

"ᕼEᗩᖇT ᗯᗩᑎTS ᗯᕼᗩT İT ᗯᗩᑎTS" [ NİSHİMURA RİKİ ]Where stories live. Discover now