Chapter 7: 7 kids and 1 grandpa

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felix :
guys don't you think we should at least change the name of the gc

Seungmin in the building! :
for once i think felix has said smth reasonable

felix :

hYuNJin! :
dw lix don't listen to him

bang chan :
actually guys i think we should

~lino :
yeah it feels weird to always open a gc called let's socialis

han han~ :
i agree with you

I.N😏 :
yeah let's decide a better name

bang chan :
like what tho? what defines us?

Seungmin in the building! :
well if i were to say abt you all then stupid kids would be great

hYuNJin! :
hey that's rude!😒

felix :
i think that name is pretty dope

han han~ :
yeah we should embrace our stupidity

Seungmin in the building! :
so you actually agree that you're indeed stupid

hYuNJin! :
way to go han!

bang chan :
you're all so adorable like this

~lino :
ew! grandpa

I.N😏 :
hyung honestly you're creepy sometimes

bang chan :
no i didn't mean it in a creepy way🥲😭 guys please

felix :
okeh what if we made the group's name sweet kids

hYuNJin! :
i think sussy kids is better

han han~ :
actually i prefer sussy kids

~lino :
no only you do

I.N😏 :
yeah he's sus bc he's gay for lino hyung😁

Seungmin in the building! :
what if it was scary kids tbh we'd scare away kids

bang chan :
and we're kids too

hYuNJin! :
ironic for a grandpa to say😁

bang chan :

felix :
guys where did changbin hyung go?

han han~ :
he's busy doing smth-

felix :
what's that smth tho

bang chan :
nothing too important just the usual yk

I.N.😏 :
what's the usual

hYuNJin! :
guys what abt 'The world of endless mAdNeSS✨'

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