Chapter 7 - The Port Mafia Assault

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Michiko looked inquisitively in the mirror. She turned her head from side to side, using her fingers to stretch the skin under her eyes. Nothing. Not a single trace of the exhaustion that had accompanied her for the past few days remained. As Dazai had sent her home yesterday, she had planned to deal with the remaining files she had hidden there, but it was enough to look at the bed and suddenly she was overcome by a huge gravity.

She woke up in the morning. Her stomach was empty and growled in displeasure with every move, but otherwise she felt surprisingly fresh. The corners of her mouth lifted in a soft smile. She left the bathroom, took her bag, the contents of which had not changed at all since yesterday, and went to work.

Today the office was bursting with life. Kunikida hurriedly flew up and down with a stack of books and documents. Their doctor, a woman with short black hair and a butterfly hairclip, Yosano, was sitting at a table with a disheveled black haired man wearing a brown detective coat, Ranpo, and they were enjoying their morning coffee together. Last but not least, there was a blond village boy in blue overalls with suspenders, Kenji, energetically speaking to them. The only ones missing were Tanizaki, who still hadn't returned from the hospital wing, Dazai, and Atsushi.

"Ishihara, so you came. Here you go." Kunikida stopped right in front of her and pulled a few files from the top of the pile. He didn't even wait for her answer and pushed them into her hands.

Michiko tilted her head to the side in confusion. "What is it?"

"Your cases. Seriously, as if it wasn't enough that the Port Mafia is preparing an attack on us, you're going to get sick and leave your work to others. Next time you should plan better and not do everything at the last minute," he complained. His eyebrows drew irrevocably towards each other like two magnets until they almost joined in a continuous line.

"But I'm-," Michiko began, but Kunikida didn't notice her.

"I looked at it. Some were very nicely done, but there were still some shortcomings that I filled in. I've also prepared an outline for you with tips on how to make your work more efficient, if you're interested." He placed one more paper on top of the pile of files.

"But I-," she tried again, but he didn't give her space.

"Seriously, when I saw Dazai sitting over your files, I've seen a light of hope that he wasn't a lost cause and genuinely wanted to help you. And the bastard suddenly stood up and went to lie down on the couch. Anyway, I learned that you are not feeling well and need to have the files done by today. I hope you are better now. We've got a lot of work to do, and every extra hand comes in handy." He finally stopped and looked her over.

And Michiko suddenly realized. It was Dazai's doing. For a moment, she thought that what he had told her earlier about Kunikido's love for work was true, but in fact, he fooled him again. And he dragged her into it too! But she can't tell this poor man that. "Um.. Yes, much better. Thank you," she nodded with a convulsive smile.

Kunikida frowned even more, if that was even possible. "Really? If you're still sick, you'd better-"

"No, I'm fine!" Michiko blurted out louder than she originally intended. When she realized that the whole office had gone silent and the others looked at her as well, she looked down in shame. If she didn't have files in her hands, she would immediately start twirling her hair around her finger. "I mean... everything's fine, I'm just a little hungry. You do not have to worry."

She walked past Kunikida, placed the files on the table along with her bag, and immediately left. She needs to sort this out with Dazai as soon as possible. And it would be best if Kunikida didn't know about it.

Once in the kitchen, she craned her neck with a sigh and bought a watermelon roll from the vending machine to eat along with a can of coffee. She spread it out on the table and bit into the pastry as she dialed Dazai's number. After three beeps, his energetic voice rang out.

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