hanging out rockstar (short)

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Y/n pov

Charlie went back to hell after watching the sports festival while I was asleep. Which suck ass...

Anyway, I'm groaning as my body aches from the festival. I frown and look up to see my earth phone buzzing. I extend my left arm to grab it, and I lazily look at it. To see a message from Kyoka.

Punkrock: hey (y/n), wanna hang out at my place?

Hellqueen: oh sure! Is Denki joining, or is it just us?

Punkrock: I did ask him, but he said he got dragged to shops with his parents. So it's just us

Hellqueen: oh okay, send me your address!

I see her address, and I lazily drag myself up and teleport to Kyoka door. I knock and shove my hands in my pockets. The door opens to show who I believe to be Kyoka mum.

"Oh, hello dear, you must be Kyoka friend. Come in" she says
"Oh, thank you, and yeah, I am" I say

I follow her in to see Kyoka run down the stairs and smiles at me.

"That was fast!" She says
"Kyo, I just teleported here... didn't want to get bombarded by people" I say

She smiles and drags me to her room to see instruments everywhere.

"Wow, nice set up" I say
"Thanks... do you play or sing?" She asks
"Sing? Years ago, but that was just baby babling. Play? I never tried" I say

I look at every instrument to see a white violin.

I look at every instrument to see a white violin

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"Oh, that, dad got it for me years ago. But I can't get a graps of playing it" Kyoka says

I hum softly, and I remember something.

3rd pov

A 3 year old (y/n) can be seen running around the palace to hide from her angry mother. She soon hear music in the room next to her. So she pokes her head in to see her father, playing a golden violin for Charlie, who is falling asleep. (Y/n) eyes glitter open at the sight of the violin and the music. However, she got dragged away by an angry Lilith. To get books shoved in her arms and get locked in the room by her mother. She frowns sadly and just simply cried as she flops on the floor. Hearing the music ending and leaving the whole palace into silence.

~end of flashback~
Y/n pov

"Can I try playing it?" I ask
"Huh sure" Kyoka says

I pick it up gently and lay it under my chin. I graps the bow and close my eyes as I start to play.

After I finished playing, I saw Kyoka and her parents gaping in shock at me. I blink and put the violin back down.

"(Y/n), that was beautiful!" Kyoka says
"What piece of music was that?" Kyoka parents asks
"... just a bit of music that my dad played for my little sister..." I say softly

Kyoka eyes soften and drag me into a hug as I clung to her and burry my head into her shoulder. Kyoka pulls away, blushing, and I blush a bit.

"How about singing? Wanna sing a song?" Kyoka asks

I rub my neck sheepishly, as I think, but nod my head. She smiles and whispers a song to me. Good thing i know the lyrics. I humm, and I watch her grab her guitar as her parents sit on Kyoka's bed.  Kyoka starts to play the song.

(A/n: song name: sirensong.
Artist: Rosendale)

"~I was alone
Drifting at sea
Living life without a purpose
Barely floating on the surface

Then came along
A beautiful creature
Body shimmering in the water
Emerald eyes so full of wonder

He pulled me into the deep end
Where all the ocean was sleeping
Showed me the secrets he’s keeping
Into his arms I was sinking
He said

I’ll be your guiding star
I’ll keep you safe and warm

Follow my sirensong
I’ll lead you through the storm

I brought him to shore
So he could see
Everything above the ocean
People dancing with emotion

But all of the world
Thought we were freaks
Never tried to understand us
Threw a match into our plans and 

They said we’d end in disaster
Happy won’t be ever after
So we cut the ropes to our anchor
Sailed away into the breeze
And he said

I’ll hold you in my arms
I’ll keep you safe and warm

Follow my sirensong
I’ll lead you through the storm


So I said
I’ll be your guiding star
I’ll keep you safe and warm

Follow my sirensong
I’ll lead you through the storm~" I sang

I look to see Kyoka smiling happily while her dad had a phone out in shock. I blink several times.

"You have so much talent!" Kyoka dad says in shock

I blink as he does something on his phone and smiles at me. Him and Kyoka mum leaves the room. For Kyoka hugs me tightly, causing us both to fall on her bed. We both started  laughing and just played there listening to music.

"I wonder who we'll get to intern with" Kyoka says
"I'm curious as well, but we have yo wait and see" I hum out

Kyoka nods and snuggles into my neck, causing me to turn bright red, and we both fall asleep like this.


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