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"There were no other changes than what we have discussed." said the country with a black-white-black flag and eagle eyepatch on his right eye.

Opposite to him, another royal country, the Austrian Empire, or in another name - The Habsburg Empire pulled his mouth to the side. He clearly despised whatever the other country was reffering to.

"Prussia, we accept no changes. The document clearly states that the land is ours. Not yours." Responded the Austrian Empire, whose flag was yellow and black. He put down the thin and small coffee cup but did this simple motion with such gracefullness and discipline that his whole posture radiated authority.

The Prussian narrowed his eyes and leant back in the ornate chair, deliberating his every thought. His eyes wandered to his son, who sat by his side silently, watching him and the Austrian Empire curiously. The 7 year old boy had a flag of black-white-red. His uniform was just like a prince's : royal and military-like.

"Why don't the kids go outside and play while we consider our future steps in our - argument, Habsburg." Offered the Prussian, staring at the shy boy by the Austrian Empire's side, who had strange and odd eyepatches covering his eyes.

"No, no, no. My son stays here with me..." laughed faintly the Habsurg Empire, hardly maintaining his formal expression. He put his hand on the boy's shoulder in great protectiveness, pulling him closer as if the softest breeze could harm his child severely.

The Prussian just snickered at the covered, over-solicitousness of the Austrian.

"Now, Habsburg, he is a child. He needs to play and discover the world. Otherwise, what do you think he will do if he remains alone?" He asked in seemingly flouter, mocker intention, but truly with a hidden parental advice. "Life will never be soft to him like you." he said, then proudly patted the small German Empire's back. "And my dear son will watch out for him anyway, right German? He is a gentleman." He said with a smile.

The german boy nodded and stared at the kid with the eyepatches, who did not look in their direction but before himself at the tabletop. Sometimes he lifted his head when a bird sang loudly below the window, or a servant was heard to pass by the door. It was so weird to the German... It was, as if the boy with the eyepatches was not there in mind, or did not care about how unappropriate it was to shuffle in his chair and turn his head spectacularly towards the open window and singing birds, while Prussia or the Habsburg Empire was speaking.

It was- it was, as if he was a handicapped...

German glanced back at Prussia with a little hesitation and with the hope that he wouldn't have to bodyguard a menthal disabled.

"Go Germany, play outside. It's a beautiful sunny day!" Said Prussia with a gentle smile and pushed the German towards the other kid.

"But Prussia, understand my reluctance, please. He is bli-"

"And he won't die if he goes out and eats sand! He is a child, Habsburg!" stated the Prussian impatiently. "You can't hold his hands forever..." he muttered quietly.

"But watch out for him..." whispered the Austrian Empire with a deep frown, and turned to his silent child. "Go out to the garden Austria-Hungary... But don't cross the bushes, stay close to the castle, dear..." he said softly with a deeply worried gaze.

The boy nodded and stood up from the chair, walking to the huge door. However, he stopped midway.

He did not turn back nor move his head. He just stood there, waiting... As if he was lunatic...

"Vati, he is so scary..." whispered the German Empire to his father, wrinking his hands while eyeing the sculpture-like standing boy.

"Go, German, don't be afraid of him! He won't eat you!" Prussia nagged the German Empire again, pushing him gently but impatiently.

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