Chapter 6

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When Dick said 'some', I think he meant six people! Turns out Alfred has to drive to us everywhere we go, which is where we are now. On the way to the mall, around a group of people I don't know and also surrounded by a bunch of strangers.

Sigh. Great.

I watch the outside world roll by as Alfred drives, then we come to a stop. "Enjoy yourself, Master Grayson and Miss Dahlia." Alfred announces from the drivers seat. We thank him for the drive and get out of the limo. Before I even shut the door, my ears pick up on a few 'Dick!' from afar.

I look towards the shopping centre, seeing a group of people waving over in our direction. I side-eye Dick, seeing the amused grin on his face and he turns to me. "Come on." He encourages me to follow him.

After a breath, I follow after the blue eyed man. I stop a few steps back, watching Dick be hugged, man-hugged and be grinned at. I let my gaze trail all over the six new people, looking intently at all of their faces and clothing.

Then a pair of eyes turned to me, which then lead to the question. "Who's this?" That stops any chatter and all eyes turn to me.

Severe deja vu right now.

"Guys, meet Dahlia." Dick introduces me cheerfully, placing a hand on my shoulder with a grin. I slightly smile at the group, stuffing my hands into my jacket pockets.

I am then introduced to them all. There's Wally, Artemis, Conner, Megan, Kaldur and Zatanna. They all seemed like nice people, is what my heart told me but my brain told me to stay away from them.

We all walk into the shopping centre, no doubt my eyes lighting up at the sight of everything.

Gods, it's been so long.

Suddenly, the group stops and Dick turns to me. "So, Dahlia. Where to first?" My heart clenches at the question, something so simple and...I don't have an answer.

My silence seems to be enough of an answer for Megan, who loops her arm with mine and starts walking once again. "We'll show you around and we can stop at any store you want." She tells me softly, gently squeezing my arm in reassurance.

The hold around my heart lessens at the red-heads words and I give her a small smile. She gives me one back, hers much more cheery.

It didn't take long for us to go into the first store. Megan didn't let go of my arm once, which led to Zatanna doing the same to my other arm and Artemis walking alongside Megan.

I looked around, wanting to find things to make my room look more lively. The boys walked behind us four, chatting between the four of themselves.

I moved my arms away from the two girl's, grabbing a basket and moved back between Megan and Zatanna. My eyes moved around as Zatanna spoke to me, "Do you know what you want to buy?" Her voice is soft compared to the loudness of the store, I shake my head at her question.

She smiles softly at me, before speaking again. "It's okay, we can help." The black haired girl gently pats my arm and I grinned slightly.

I look behind me towards the four boys and I catch eyes with Dick. He gives a boyish grin, and I give one back.

My heart and my brain seem to be in agreement now.

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