Chapter 1

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Atsushi expected many things when he walked into the Armed Detective Agency that morning. He expected a mission that he knew he'd somehow regret agreeing to or having to do another joint mission with Ryuu. He was right about the latter, but not what it entailed. “WHAT?” Atsushi blinked at Dazai and Kunikida, the blond one of the two looking just as displeased with the situation as Atsushi did.

“A long-term mission! Isn't that exciting?” Dazai says as if it was the happiest moment he had ever experienced. Atsushi is pretty sure Dazai gets a kick out of seeing him suffer at this point. Maybe that's why he keeps dragging him onto dangerous missions with him, just to see him suffer and get a good laugh. 

“How long?” Atsushi asks, narrowing his eyes at the older man. 

“Don't know! But I bet you two will have a great time learning about the outside world, am I right?” Dazai smiled at him, and he looked like the happiest man alive at the moment. Their mission was outside of Yokohama, which freaked Atsushi out quite a bit. He was sure that Ryuunosuke was just as uncomfortable as Atsushi was when he was also told about the long-term mission, probably thinking of the worst happening. The two would not have a great time, as most of the outside world saw Yokohama as a country run by villains. A place that you went to if you wanted an early death. 

Atsushi has seen articles covering his beloved country before, and to say he was angry about what they assumed happened behind closed doors was an understatement. They assumed that Yolohama was run by villains and needed saving, that it was an apocalyptic hell to be born into. In the outsider's eyes, it was a danger zone to be avoided. A long time ago, Yokohama had been a part of the rest of Japan but declared independence when quirks started showing up. They had a huge dome around their city to keep them safe. It wasn’t easy for the outside world to get inside Yokohama, earning it the name ‘Hermit City’ because of how quiet it truly was and how no one really heard a peep about what was happening inside said dome. Unlike the rest of the world, they were not affected by quirks. 

Most people inside the walls were ordinary humans, or Atsushi guessed what the outside world would call ‘Quirkless’ humans. The people who know of abilities suspect that they weren't affected because of said abilities, which could be true. To this day, they still have no idea how abilities work, so it wasn’t a long shot saying this could be the case. For a long time, Yokohama was the only place with anything close to ‘Quirks,’ but unlike quirks, they were more powerful than people with Quirks.

Their abilities barely had any drawbacks, while Quirks had many. They tired quickly when using Quirks, while people with abilities could keep fighting, hardly breaking a sweat. The country had always kept to itself, staying within Yokohoma and shunning outsiders. So, abilities stayed within Yokohoma for this reason. Most people in the outside world had no idea abilities even existed, and those who have heard of them either think they are only legends passed down from generation or say that ability users are too dangerous to be around. 

Villains did not run Yokohama. They had a triparty system to split up the work that was needed to keep Yokohama safe. The ADA (Armed Detective Agency), PM (Port Mafia), and the government all agreed they would put their differences aside for the good of Yokohama. As long as their country was safe, they barely spoke to one another.

The ADA and PM did, as they often took on cases together to help clean up the darker side of their country, but unless huge threats reared their ugly head, the Government acted as if nothing was happening. Their country was a huge gray spot compared to the rest of the world because the rest of the world only seemed to be able to view things as black and white. 

They don’t seem to understand how gray things could be and how some people could simultaneously be saints and sinners. Reasonable people could do bad things for the right reasons, and vice versa. Criminals were human, too, and most of the time, had actual reasons for how they behaved. Not everything would ever be completely white, and nothing would ever be completely black. It was something that Yokohama understood, and it’s something that helped them thrive. 

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