Chapter 17: I Find Out My Fatal Flaw

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I'd really appreciate the comments and votes, as this is the last chapter of this book!

"What did Hera mean 'your power will fail you when you need it most?'" I asked Dad.

We were walking back down the streets of Olympus, and I was scrutinizing him closely.

"I don't know for sure," Dad replied slowly, "but..."

I stopped walking abruptly and turned to face my father.

"But what?" I gave Dad a piercing look. "Whatever you think it is, you need to tell me. You can't keep me in the dark anymore, Dad."

Dad sighed. "I suppose I can't." He looked at me thoughtfully. "After all, you don't need me to protect you anymore."

He took a deep breath. "I think Hera meant that I'm going to die because I don't have the power of healing."

I stared at him with my heart pounding in my chest.

"It's just a theory," Dad added hastily, seeing the expression on my face. "Could be nothing but a threat."

He looked so worried about what I thought that I quickly forced my face into a smile.

"You're probably right," I said. "It's nothing."

Dad nodded, not looking entirely convinced. We didn't speak again until we reached the lobby. The guy behind the desk shrank back when he saw me.

"Here's your keycard back." I smirked at his fear. "Don't test me next time."

I returned to the broken door, lifted Agro over the scattered glass, and waited for Dad. He came shortly afterward and stopped at the broken window.

"Did you do this?" Dad asked mildly.


"Well," he said, "you did a good job. Punch or kick?"

"Punch," I replied, imitating what I had done.

Dad flashed me a smile. "I would've gone with a kick, personally. A punch isn't strong enough to break all that glass."

"And yet, the glass is broken," I said. "You're just not strong enough to use a punch."

Dad pretended to look outraged. "Last time I checked, I was the one who was able to lift an elephant, not you."

"Only because the vines helped you," I retorted. "Otherwise, the elephant would've crushed you into a pancake."

Are you two finished yet? barked Snow irritably, as Dad opened his mouth to respond. Or can we go see Chiron already?

Dad chuckled. "Yes, Snow. We're done."

"Wait," I said, frowning, "why are you going to see Chiron? Aren't you coming with me back to the Hunt?"

Dad paused in the middle of shape-shifting into a giant eagle. "No, I have to go speak with Chiron about"- he gestured up at where Olympus was - "this, among other things."

"Oh, okay," I said. "See you back with the Hunt?"

"See you back with the Hunt," Dad agreed, and he transformed into a giant eagle, grasped Snow in his talons, and flew off into the night.

I watched him for a moment before I said, "Well, no point in staying here. Shall we go? I really need to talk to Artemis."

Alright, Zade squawked.

She jumped into my arms, and I dashed at the nearest ray of moonlight. We disappeared into it and emerged in a forest clearing in Maine. I dropped Agro and nearly fell from exhaustion; luckily, my trusty wolf made sure I didn't.

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