chapter........... uh, idk ;)

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Sark's pov:

I woke up in a cell with minecraft universe and sky.

"Wha?" I finally managed. I looked around. There were inksacs in the corner, so there were squids nearby. I decided to wake up jason, he is more rational. "What happened, where are we?" "Dont know," I replied. He got up and looked around. "Where is Ty?" He asked me. "No clue" I gritted my teeth. That squid. Then I noticed something under the inksacs. Someone else! "Someone is under these!" I said. Jason immediately hauled the inksacs off of the person. They appeared to be a cat.

"Hello?" I asked him. He started to wake up. He yawned his eyes were still closed, and said "lee-bear, can you bring me some cake? Lee-bear?" He opened his eyes. "Who are you and why are you in my lovely world?!" He said, baffled. "Well, im Sark, and you are in a prison cell." He jumped up and ran to the barred window. "Squiddy! Squiddy this isn't funny, im covered in inksacs and I don't have any cake!" I clamped my hand over his mouth "MRPHHHHHHHH!" "Shhhhh!" I said. He nodded, and I let go. Jason asked,"what is your name?" "Stampy cat." He replied.

I practically whisper-yelled Stampy's head off. " What are you doing calling the enemy! You, you, you IDIOT!" "Enemy?" He asked me quizzically. "Uh, yeah" I said. "Squidnugget is my freind! How dare you!" A human-squid-thing walked by, purposely trying to not be seen. "Squidnugget!" Stampy tried to call over the squid. 'Squidnugget' just looked at Stampy in the saddest gaze a Squid could ever make, and left. I felt bad. Stampy and that, squid , obviously used to be friends. "I'm going to wake up sky..." I said, shaking Sky. "Oh! Squiddy used to talk about sky.." Stampy said. Jason immediately asked " what did he say!?" "Something about not liking him." All of a sudden, Deadlox was at the window.

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