True Form VS Regular Form

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What is the difference between a 'True Form' and a 'Regular Form'?

True Forms:

★ True Forms are the form that a creature in the world of Cigam takes on when they have more promunite features of their species

★ All powers while in this form are heightened, and most creatures can access much more magic when in this form

★ To transform into a True Form a creature must be containing a strong emotion, or access to something like an element

○ For example, blackout transforms when he experiences strong anger. But Aquamarine transforms whenever she touches water

Regular Forms:

★ Regular forms are the form that a creature in the world takes on most to all of the time

★ All powers while in this form are muted, as this is the form to not harm any creature and live as close to a 'human' as possible

★ This form is the form all creatures take, unless provoked by an element or emotion

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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