Ghidorah Arc Chapter 8 Golden Invasion

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Are Story Picks Up at the Apex Headquarters in Hong Kong we see The Older Man and The Young Worker Staring at the screen. seeing All of the Titans Waking up.

Boss Mind: Excellent Now I know that the Lizard Stands no Chance Against All of them.

Suddenly Siren's Go Off As a Group of Workers Start Running Towards the Exit in a Panicking Way.

Boss: What the He-

Before He Could Finish His Answer, A Yellow Figure Flew over the Building as It lands front of the Building Staring down at the boss with a Smile on her face.

Boss: Oh sh-

His Words were instantly Cut off As Ghidorah Fires Her Gravity Beam at the Building Destroying what was left of Apex Headquarters

   Ghidorah: Heh These Humans Are Quite Pathetic.

Gigan Then Lands right by Ghidorah as she Bowed Before her.

Gigan: My Queen the Mecha's Are ready and at Your Disposal. 

Ghidorah: Good Now Release Them.

Gigan: Yes, my Queen

Ghidorah then flew up into the air with A smile on her face as she Yelled with Confidence.

Ghidorah: The End Of the world is Upon us.


Delta Happens to Sense the Other Kaiju Awakening Before He could React or do something Goji Rushed Towards Him. 

Delta: Hey Goji What's Up?

Goji: I need you To come with me Mothra Needs all of us.

Delta: Why?

Goji: I Don't Know But she asked me to get everyone Besides Junior Of course.

Delta: Sure Lead the Way.

Goji then led Delta threw the Forest and The Earthy terrain. After a few minutes, They had Arrived at Mothra Cave.

When They arrived Angi Rodan and Cesar Were Already there waiting for them they All turned their Attention To Mothra.

Mothra: Now I bet you're wondering Why I have gathered you here.

Mothra: Let me Get Straight to the point I sensed Ghidorah and Her forces had already landfall.

Mothra: I also sensed Other Kaiju Awakenings

Delta: Yeah I also Sensed It Don't worry I will Handle it. 

The Rest of the Kaiju girls were Confused What did he mean by He will Handle it.

Delta then Walks outside and with Confidence Lets out a Powerful Alpha Roar.

Delta then Walks back into the cave.

Delta: Problem One Solved.

All the Kaiju except for Mothra and Goji Were Still confused about What Delta did all he did was Roared

Delta: Anyways What do we do about the Ghidorah Issue?


Miki and Azure were watching the Screen as they Saw all of the Titans Stop their Rampaging and Well Staying still not doing anything.

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