Character Profile

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Editing the story rn so some parts won't make sense.

Read this before continuing.

Y/N= Your name

F/C= Favourite colors

F/F= Favourite food

F/H= Favourite hairstyle

E/C= Eye color

Name: Y/N Nozomi

Age: 15

Intelligence: 6/10



Agility: 8/10

Team Work: 7/10


Shiyoru Nozomi: Mother

Kitsuka Nozomi: Father

Hikari Nozomi: (Half) Older sister

Weapon: Katana

Quirk: Hands of Fate

This allows her to perform many different powers, three in total. Those three forms are called:

The Hunters hand, which is sorta like a gun. If Y/N makes a gun gestor and says the trigger word "Bang", the person she's pointing at will be shot. Like the finger gun power Makima has from chainsaw man.

The Marionettes Hand, which allows her to control one persons movement like a doll.

The Healers Hand, heals Y/N and the others when she uses it, but the wound will be inflicted to someone. Like, Y/N heal someone's broken arm, then she or someone of her choice will have a broken arm.

Somethings to know about Y/N:

-Y/N's mother is a CEO of a successful company.

-Her father both abandoned them when he found out he didn't have son.

-You have a pet ninetail called

Anyways that is the end of her profile! Now you can go read and enjoy the story!

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