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"Uhh...Y/N? Where are we going?" Shoto asks as we turned left and right. "I have no idea!" I laughed.

"Why are you laughing?! This is a bad idea! What if we get kidnapped?!" He asks with worry in his tone.

"We'll be fine! Think of it as an adventure!" I smiled.

We ran pass a clothing store, an ice cream stand, and an anime house. Soon we stopped by a jewelry stop to catch our breath. Then something caught my eye. It was a F/G necklace, not too small and not too big. It was a size of a penny, with a silver chain. It was so pretty. I really wanted to get it but I already have to much F/G in my two feet tall accessory box. I bet moms going to get angry.

"Do you want that necklace?" Shoto Kun asks, catching my glance. I shook my head with disappointment. "Even if I do, I can't because I already bought too many F/G."

"Oh...That's unfortunate."

"I know..."


Again, my stomach growled, demanding some food. And last time I checked, it wasn't even an hour since I last fed it. Seriously, why did mom had to give me a stomach like this?

"Woah. Was that an earthquake?" Shoto says, his eyes wide. My daze, his bluntness is hurting my poor heart. But at the same time, the face he's making is so cute I want to pinch those cheeks like an old granny does to her grand child. "Y/N Chan, quick, we have to evacuate!"

"That wasn't a earthquake, it's just my stomach growling." I said, covering my face which was painted red.

"It was? Oh, thank goodness it wasn't a earthquake." Shoto let out a sigh of relief as he wipes his imaginary sweat off his forehead.

And by instinct I pinched his cheek. "Why are you so freaking adorable?!?!?"

"I don't know?" Shoto ask/answered, shrugging.

"You are so cute! Marry me Shoto Kun!" I said said, hugging him from behind.



"Huh? Could you repeat that? I think I misheard something." I said. There is NO way he just said yes.

"I said, sure. Let's get married when we grow up." Shoto repeated.




...SAY YES?!

Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. OH MY GOSH.

"Wait, for real?" I asked.

"Yes, for real." Shoto-Kun blankly replied.

"Ehh??? Why me?! Of all people?!?" I pointed at myself.

"Because Y/N-Chan is very cute and kind and friendly and my first and best friend and loving and...did I say kind?" Shoto says.

"Yes you did. And you sure you want to marry me in the future? We only met today."

"Yes. I want Y/N-Chan and Y/N-Chan only. Even though we only met today, I know Y/N-Chan is the only one for me." He says, his face all serious.

"If you say so...then it's a promise! We will get married when we're old enough! No breaking the rule!" I said, smiling.

"Of course I won't break the rule."




A few hours later, me and Shoto-Kun was walking somewhere when I remembered mom.

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