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mystery hotel

There is a girl name Misya. She is 20 years old. She was working at a pizza place and it was getting late. When it's lunch time she went into a coffee shop to order some coffee. When she saw a tall man wearing a cap who gave her free coffee. As she was about to thank the man, he suddenly disappeared. As she drank the coffee, then she saw a lot of people bleeding. She ran out of the store then she saw a lady with no head. The more she looked at her, the closer the lady got closer to Misya. She ran into a hotel as the lady dissipated.

"Hello, welcome to the hotel. How can I help you?" said the guy who's at the counter. She was stunned and frustrated by how he treated her.

"Is this how you serve your customers? I need to speak with your manager," said Misya.

"Someone called for me?" said the manager as he came downstairs. To Misya, she felt like she had seen him before, as he was the guy from the cafe.

"Your worker is terrible at serving customers," said Misya. Misya saw the manager snap the worker's neck, causing him to fall.

"AH!" Misya screamed in surprise and covered her mouth, unable to believe what just happened.

"W-What..." Misya said as she looked at the manager's face, surprised, and backed away. Then, the guy stood up as Misya's fear increased while she backed away even more.

"H-How are you alive?" Misya asked.

"I'm a ghost, but that hurt pretty bad though," said the guy.

"A ghost?!" exclaimed Misya.

"Then, what are you?" Misya frowned and pointed at the manager.

"I'm also a ghost, but more powerful," said the manager as he smirked. Misya didn't say anything as she looked at the manager, wondering if he lied to her or not.

"I'm William, may I know your name?" said the manager as he extended his hand, hoping for a handshake.

"It's M-Misya..." said Misya. She felt that William was not someone she could easily trust.

"I heard you're looking for a room to stay for the night."

"How the heck do you know that?"

"Why did you come here, then?" said William, raising his eyebrows. Little did Misya know, it was all part of William's plan.

"Fair enough, I want the key. How much is it?"

"It's free, here's the key for room 120," said William as he smirked and handed her the key.

"Thanks, I guess..." said Misya as she walked away.

"Sleep tight," said William as he smirked, watching Misya until she disappeared from his sight.

As Misya keep walking and walking, she finally found the room as she went in.
She saw a fancy room like it was for the master bedroom that she have been before. As she sleep, she keep on waking up because she heard a sound of children screaming and it keep goes on.

The next day, she didn't even showered yet. It's not like she can changed into other clothes. She planned to get out of the hotel as she run downstairs. She bumped into someone as she looked up.

" Didn't people taught you manners to apologize when you apologize to someone who you made mistake with?" said William as he glares at her.

" No way, your standing in my way" said Misya as she glares at him back.

" Apologize right now" said William grabs Misya's wrist.

" I'm sorry, ok?" said Misya as she struggles to break free. William finally smirks as he get closer and kissed her on her lips. Misya hasn't hesitated as she slapped him in face and rushed to the pizza place where she worked that not far from the hotel. As soon as she get there, She saw a lot of costumer were waiting in line. She sneaked through the back door hoping that she won't get caught as she thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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