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                                           Song :Stay | Rihanna ft Mikky Ekko

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                                           Song :Stay | Rihanna ft Mikky Ekko



I feel out of place.

I stand outside of the large, grand looking hotel. My left hand set over my eyebrows as I attempt to shield my poor eyes from the blaring sunlight.

"Okay guys!" Kaia smiles, and I feel somewhat jealous of the sunglasses that rest on the bridge of her nose. "The other group should be here anytime, then a chaperone will read out room arrangements."

Everyone hums and nods. "Hey- Kai?" She hums as I walk closer. "Who made the arrangements?" She shrugs.

She waves her hand around. "I think one of the teachers?" She thinks for a moment. "Callahan maybe?"


I nod while letting out a worried breath. With my luck I'm going to be rooming with Lucy Hills or something.

It wouldn't be a shock compared to how this last month has been going.

I raise my head as I hear Kaia let out a happy squeal, and my eyes could practically roll back into my head permanently at what I see. My jaw clenches, and I feel Harrison nudge me with his elbow, and I shove him away.

Morgan, fucking, Vales.

He stands beside Theo Lawson, phone in his hand as he typed something into it. Perched on his nose is an expensive looking pair of sunglasses, and he wore what you'd expect someone like him to wear to a resort.

His hair looks much more put together then usual, slicked backed cleanly, with a few curls dropping above his pierced eyebrow. His black button up it's tugged up at the sleeves, revealing his ink covered forearms.

My eye twitches, again.

I startle when I feel someone tap my shoulder, and look over at Harrison. "Come on, we're going into the lobby." I nod once, cursing myself inwardly for how hard I was staring at Morgan.

The group that consisted of at least thirty students and seven teachers slowly broke up into a mix of random people, and Harrison drifted off towards Nico. Kaia was off chatting with a bunch of girls I don't bother with.

My eye squint sensitively from the sun, and I could almost sob from how irritated and sleep deprived I was after being in the car for such an extended period of time.

The extra credit was not worth that car ride.

I almost shiver thinking back at how crammed I felt in the car, pushed up against the side of the car. I wouldn't even consider myself claustrophobic, just easily overwhelmed.

The only way to explain how I felt was, too much in my body. I felt like every touch, and sound was one thing away from me exploding.

Not from anger, just- uncomfortableness.

Like wearing jeans fresh out of the shower.

"You look disturbed." I jump as I hear Morgan's voice. I look besides me and he's in step with me, looking down at the ground as me.

I ignore him and try to walk fast, but he somehow manages to catch up without even trying. "What did I do now, look at you the wrong way?" He rolls his eyes with a low chuckle.

I scoff, not even bothering to look at him. "I said I'm done speaking to you, and I wasn't lying." I walk faster, practically speed-walking.

Jesus, how long of legs does he have?!

He keeps walking in suit with me. "I know you weren't, but you just can't help it." He shrugs nonchalantly.

My face scrunches up with confusion. "Can't help what?"

He hums, his grey eyes gleaming under the sun as he looks down at me. "Indulging in me, humouring me." He states, twirling a lighter around his middle and index finger. "Because as much as you try to hide it, you like to see the good in people."

I scoff, my eyes rolling. "You don't have a good bone in your body."

Something flashes in his eye, and rubs his thumb along his bottom lip as he withholds a smirk."As much as I'd like to argue that there is one bone that can do a girl pretty good, you're correct."


My cheeks warm at his crass comment, but I brush it off. "Then why would I look for it?" I smile at the door doorman as I walk through.

He smirks while walking in, alongside me. "Because you keep on wondering why you can't find it." He says lowly, offering a sympathetic look. "Don't stress it Xan, you can't find something that's not there."

I hum, sending him a fake smile. "Good to know, I'll stop looking as of now." And with that I roll my eyes and go to find Harry.

"Wait." He grabs my wrist, and spins me around to face him. "I needed to talk to you." I shrug his touch of me.

I grit my teeth. "And I said I'm not speaking to you."

He pulls me close, our chests touching each other. "I didn't mean to be so harsh on Friday Alex, it was just.." He trails off.

I raise an eyebrow. "Just what?"

He shrugs, scratching the back of his head. "Would you believe me if I said muscle memory?" He mutters quietly, and I see him laugh at the end.

I roll my eyes and pull my hand from his grasp. "Yes, I would." I shove his chest away from mine. "But hey, at least it's good to know that on instinct your a complete and utter dick to everyone, and not just me."

He grunts softly, backing away. "I apologized, didn't I?" My mouth goes ajar.

I groan and threw my head back."You literally laughed mid sentence, you asshole!" I exclaim.

He shakes his head, faced scrunched up with confusion."So what? Doesn't getting the words 'I'm sorry' mean enough for you? I thought you less fortunate girls were not as picky."

I ignore the insult. "Unlike cold hearted people who don't care about apologizing, I care if you genuinely meant you were apologetic of your actions and words."


I slap his chest to get him away from me. "If it's not genuine then you don't mean it, which defeats the whole god damn point of the apology in the first place!" I stomp away, before spinning around once again.

He looks a bit wary as I storm back over to him, and press a finger to his chest. "And even if you did, I still don't forgive you!" I say while shoving him- again.

I don't bother to look back at him as he stands there, instead walking towards Harrison and Nico. "Hey," He mumbles, looking confused. "You look.. pissed."

I shake my head, looking back at Morgan for a moment.

I roll my eyes at the sight.

"You have no idea."


I don't know how much I like this, but I hope it's taken okay?? Jsjdjejkejee


1479 words!


1902 words!

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