Chapter 1!

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My life could be described in the simple sentence of "Bad luck either destroys you or it makes you the man you really are." And damn have I endured some things. This one-time in 3rd grade I was outside playing, and a wasp stung me multiple times in the hand. On another occasion I had to give a speech in front of a class and completely messed it up. There was also the time during my concert my section had a solo and I played the wrong note because of my nerves. My friend Wonwoo usually helps with the fall out. We have been two peas in a pod since the womb basically. Our moms met during college and have been best friends since then. Even though he is like 1 month older we don't hold that over each other's heads; well, we try not to.

I am currently in math class, waiting for my teacher to finish explaining the topic so that I can get started on the practice she handed out. Wonwoo is on the other side of the room because the seating chart is based on our last names in alphabetical order.

I would like to think that we are complete opposites for many reasons. He is very introverted and I'm more extroverted. I prefer the summer and he prefers the winter. I enjoy time outside exploring and trying new things, he prefers to stay home and do things within his comfort. Academically I'm better at subjects like Literature and Social studies, He is better at subjects like Math and science. Because of that we hold biweekly study sessions at each other's house. I guess opposites really do attract.

After attempting to finish the math practice I decided to stuff it in my backpack and let Wonwoo help me with it tomorrow at our next study session. Lucky for me as I finish zipping up my backpack the bell rings telling me lunch is starting. I grab my things and head over to where Wonwoo is seated.

"Did you finish?" Wonwoo asked, already knowing the answer.

"You already know the answer to that question." I say rolling my eyes.

"C'mon let's go." I say dragging him to the hallway.

"Did you at least pay attention?" He asked while still following me.

"Yes, I did pay attention. It just doesn't make sense." I say, my shoulders dropping a little.

"It's okay. That's what I'm here for." He replies, trying to reassure me.

I've been struggling with math and science recently; I really do try and get it to stick but my brain is slow to process the topics. That is where Wonwoo comes in and saves me.

We make our way to our usual lunch spot, which is in our favorite teacher's classroom.

"What did aunty pack you today?" I ask, looking over his shoulder to get a peek at his lunchbox.

"The usual, what about you?" He says blankly.

"Today she packed me Pasta, sliced apples, and a couple rice crackers." I list out the components that make my lunch.

"I'll trade you my rice crackers for your bag of chips" I offer.

"Sure, but bring me more tomorrow" he says, handing me his chips.

"Okay, I'll ask my mom to pack it" I say, opening the bag.

We usually spend our lunch like this trading items and planning our weekend/study session. This weekend we're planning to go to the skate park and just chill. He skates but I don't so I'll probably sit down and read or write something. 

"What do you think about going to the library for tomorrow's study session?" I ask.

"I'm fine with that," he replies.

I start making a mental list of all the homework I have to finish over the weekend, I open my Tupperware with pasta making sure to be careful as to not drop anything. But just as my luck would have it, I drop the lid straight onto my skirt, leaving a dark stain that will be difficult to take out.

"Crap '' I say out loud, calling attention to my situation.

A muffled laugh comes from beside me. I glare to my side knowing who it's coming from.

"You're not funny Woo." I say grabbing napkins from inside my lunchbox and dabbing them on my stained skirt.

"I'm sorry" He keeps repeating, coming out of his laughing fit.

"You don't look very sorry," I said.

"Hey, you laugh when something happens to me too!" He counters.

"I guess that's true" I mumble.

A comfortable silence falls between us, I start rubbing my skirt really fast wishing the stain would come out. Just as I'm giving up, Wonwoo places a stain removing pen on my lap. It is the little things like this that makes me appreciate our friendship even more.

"Thanks," I say feeling relieved.

"No problem" he says nonchalantly,

"By the way, for the second half I promised Hoshi I would play soccer with him, sorry" He explains.

"I asked for a favor, and this is my way of re-paying him, sorry" He continues.

"It's okay" I reassure,

"I have to look for some books at the library." I made up an excuse.

"Okay, when school is over I'll meet you by the gate so we can walk home. See you" he says before he leaves.

Recently I've noticed that there is this weird feeling in my chest when I talk to Wonwoo. I don't know how to explain it but it's a pressure that only appears when I'm talking to him or when I'm thinking about him. I have known that dork for my whole life and never have I ever felt weird around him. Well, never until recently. It's because of this stupid pressure that I keep acting weird around him. I don't have anybody to talk with about my issue because he is my closest friend. Maybe it's the stress of our last year making me act like this, at least I hope it is.

Authors Notes:

Hello to whoever is reading, I have wanted to start writing for the longest time, one of my new year's resolutions is to start writing and eventually post it somewhere. I'm not too good at writing romance stories so Criticism is always welcomed. Thank you for reading! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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