The beginning.

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I used to live here a while back. Then I moved away after my boyfriend went missing around in middle school.

When I moved I moved to farm. To be with my grandparents to hopefully clear my mind but I still wasent over my my boyfriend disappearance. It angered me that my parents thought it would be for the best, if I left for a bit.

But I can't remember if I like living on the farm or not. I don't remember anything. I only remember the first few days. And that's it.

I was crying, while holding somthing and I was in the barn. Then everything else was a blurr...and my latest memory right now is being back in my parents car, waking up from the long drive back to south park.

That's were I am right now. Standing outside my parents car, while they unload my things.

I think...I may be in love..Where stories live. Discover now