We first met each other

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Tweek groaned slightly as he just mutterd out his name quickly and quietly, so nobody really heard him.

Cartman the dick he is yelled out
"New kid speak up no one can hear you!!"
Cartman said snickering

Tweek just shot him a glare and walked to the back of the room to find a empty seat, witch the only seat available was next to some boy, with dark hair and listing to music through there headphones so loud one can hear them from the outside.

Tweek sighed and sat next to stan, trying to listen to what the teacher was saying, or just distracted by everything eles in the room

It took stan a while before he noticed someone sat next to him, he was surprised as he thought everybody hated him. Stan couldn't help but feel a little happy, but he wouldn't show it, as it would be uncool. Stan took off his headphones setting them aside, and tapped his finger on his desk, as he pretended to listen to the lecture.

After a couple of minutes he saw the boy next to him confused and smiled soflty as he saw them chewing there pencil. He soon cleared his throat and shared his notes with tweek to allow him to copy them down.

Tweek being the clueless boy he was haddent noticed and was more distracted on how lost he was, till he felt a tap on his arm, making him yelp slightly as he got startled and looked over at stan saying
Tweek settled down as he saw it was stan trying to help him with notes.
Tweek read over them and began to ease up a bit along with understand more about what was happening.

Stan smiles as he saw tweek easing up slightly, and soon passed him anthor note saying "this class is slow, so don't worry about your grade much here."

Tweek read the new note and smiles and nodded, and was gonna mutter out a soft 'thank you.'....when suddenly he stoped halfway. And felt shocked as he stared at stan.

//sorry for any mistakes in the writing I wrote this while sick so yeah- ,:[]

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