Lantern Rite(gaming x mika) part 1

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Mika's pov
It was a peaceful day. I was just resting under a tree when I heard someone call my name. I looked up to see my master, Eula Lawrence asking for me. I quickly got up and ran over to her. "Is everything alright master?"I asked. "I am going to Liyue for Lantern Rite and I was wondering if you wanted to come," she said. "Oh!! That sounds like fun!! I will come with you," I replied. "Ok, we will meet in Liyue Harbor tomorrow. Alright?"she said. "Ok!! See you tomorrow Master!!"I yelled.
The Next Morning
I wake up and immediately pack my stuff up. I don't wear a lot of different clothes, so it was pretty easy to pack. I walked all the way to Liyue harbor and relaxed. 'I must be here early then,'I thought. So, I decided to go and walk. Then I heard someone asking for me. "Excuse me sir but can you help me with delivering these kite making materials to Gaming. People need to start making them,"the man said. "Oh ok, well I don't have anything to do right now. So, I will do it," I said with a smile. "Thank you!! You will be rewarded for your work. Oh and by the way Gaming is in the harbor so you don't have to look far," the man said before walking off. I picked up the goods and headed over to where the man had looked. I walked not too far before putting them down and admiring the sky.
Gaming's pov
"Ugh I can't believe I lost again!!"my friend said. "Well don't worry I will pay,"I replied. "No, you already do too much for me, so I guess it is my turn," he said. I let out a small chuckle before noticing that my friend was looking at something or someone. "Umm, hey are you alright?"I ask in concern. "Hey Gaming, you see that boy over there. I heard that he is a Mondstater coming for Lantern Rite," he said while pointing at the boy. I turn my head and saw the boy he was talking about. The boy had bright blonde hair, a navy blue jacket, and a journal in one hand. "I also heard that he works for the knights of favonious, he must be really strong," my friend added. "I'm gonna go talk to him," I said calmly. My friend looked at me before nodding and heading off on his break. I then walk up to the boy and stand right next to him. As soon as I did that he jumped and got his journal to prevent it from falling into the sea. He then turned to me and said hi. 'He must have a vision because people without visions get snuck up on easily but he seemed to have sensed that I was there,'I thought. "Hey welcome to Liyue Harbor!! I'm Gaming. Nice to meet you!!"I said with a smile. "Oh, so you're Gaming. Someone wanted me to deliver these kite making materials to you, so I'm glad I didn't have to go and look for you," he said shyly. I slowly took in his details. He had blue eyes, fancy clothes, and a crossbow on his side. He seemed to be very shy around people. I couldn't help but think that he was very cute. "Are you alright? You're very red,"he said in a concerned tone. I had just realized that I started to blush."Umm I'm fine. No need to worry about me,"I said. "Are you sure? Do you have a fever?"he said while pressing the back of his hand in my forehead. This caused me to turn so red that I was practically a tomato at this point. "Yeah, I'm really sure," I said while looking away. He tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy. 'Gosh, how can this person be so cute!'I thought. "Oh I didn't mention my name. My name is Mika,"he said. "Well I have to meet with my master, so I have to get going," he said. "Wait do you want to grab Dim sum with me two days from now?"I asked. "Oh uh sure," he said with a smile. "Well bye Gaming! It was nice meeting you!"Mika said before sprinting off. I just stared until he was no longer into my view. I then picked up the goods before heading to Chenyu Vale. When I arrived at my destination, dropped the goods off. "One was not expecting to see you here, Gaming,"someone said. I turned to the voice. "Oh, I didn't think you would be here Aunty Xianyun,"I replied. "Come sit down,"the adeptus said. I walked over and took a seat. "Umm Aunty Xianyun, I have a question," I say. She looks at me before saying, "go on." "Well have you heard about a mondstater coming to Liyue?"I ask. "One has and one has been told that he came with his master," she said. "Really?! Who told you that?!"I ask. "Streetward rambler's grand daughter is dating this boys master," she tells me. "Oh ok,"I said. I look down at my feet. "You fell for this boy didn't you?"she said. I looked up with an obvious blush on my face. "Hmm. Seems like one was right," she said. "Well one has been told that the boy is attracted to other boys and is currently not in a relationship, so you have a chance,"Aunty Xianyun said with a smile. "Oh, that makes me really happy," I reply. "I'm actually going to get Dim sum with him in two days," I say. "Well that's progress, just keep going until you feel comfortable to tell him how you really feel," she replied. "Thank you so much Aunty Xianyun!!"I say. I then got up and hugged her. She hugged back and then we broke apart and said our farewells to each other. 'So...I have a chance with him. That's great! I will work really hard to get comfortable enough to tell him how I feel,'I thought to myself before heading home.
Thank you for reading this short story. Looking back at this, it is actually really cute and wholesome. I'm making progression in my writing. I'm even up to a 1,000 words. There will be a part two to this part. Well I hope y'all enjoyed this story. <3

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