Happy night

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Y/n:  umm sure come in i will discuss this with my husband Felix


Y/n: Felix we need to talk about something!

Felix: (comes out from bathroom) what is it?

Y/n: there is a maid inside are house she wants to be a maid here should we-

Felix: yes its ok

Y/n: ok then her name is Sana

Felix: ok

Y/n: (Went downstairs) Sana you can be our maid:)

Sana: thank you ma'am

Y/n: you can start tomorrow

Sana: o but i haven't met your husband

Y/n: right! (Calls Felix) FELIX

Felix: (Omg she can scream so loud) Coming

Felix: What is it

Y/n: meet are new maid Sana

Felix: Hi

Sana: Hiii (Flirty way) (Mind) hes cute i will get him i dont care what Jennie says

Felix: Nice to meet you Sana bye!!

Sana: Byee

Y/n: Byeee

Times skip

author: if i do to much times skip that mean i,m busy

Felix: Y/n

Y/n: ye???

Felix: i have this felling that Sana is flirting with me

Y/n: dont be ridiculous  shes not flirting 

Felix: ok

5 hours later

Y/n: Felix are you done working i miss you (pouts) 

Felix: come here

Felix: come here

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Felix: i,m almost done just for 30 mins

Y/n: OK :(

Meanwhile Sana

Sana: um should i tell Jennie that i stop ore should i act i,m working with her??? i'll just act

Sana: but what i,m gonna wear tomorrow??

Sana: let me ask Jennie (Calls Jennie)

Jennie: Hello?

Sana: Hello Jennie i just want to know what type of outfits Felix would like??

Jennie: he likes girls with oversized clothes and  he  likes emo he hate attention seekers and girls that get jealous for no reason and he loves massages 

Sana: Thank you Jennie

Jennie: No Problem!

Sana: lets see if i have some oversized outfits 

Sana: nope maby emo clothes?aha this one

Sana: nope maby emo clothes?aha this one

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Sana: Perfect let me go to sleep so my face will get fresh when i wake up :)

30 Minutes later

Felix: Baby i,m done

Y/n: yay ( runs to felix and sits on his laps again)

Felix: come lets go 

Y/n: go were?

Felix: Somewhere you'll love :)

Y/n: o-OK 

After driving 5 minutes straight

After driving 5 minutes straight

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Y/n: wow i love it!

Felix: i knew you'll love it :)

Y/n: your the best mafia every i,m happy you kidnapped me 

Felix: :) call me your husband  

Y/n: can we come here again tomorrow?

Felix: we can stay for a long time we just arrived'

Y/n: you have work tomorrow!

Felix: i'll take a day off

Y/n: Yay (Hugs him)

Felix: tch childish

Y/n: Hey! i,m not childish

Felix: Yes you are

Y/n: Maby i,m a little bit childish then 

Felix: (Giggles)

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