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Marcy's POV:

"And she's being treated appropriately? Correct?. If not I will have the hands of those who are not treating her with Hospitality. I want you to tell me who and when someone has disrespected her. In and out of this house."

The man from before, one of my close workers, He has been assigned to monitoring and acting as a body guard of some sort for Anne

His name is Todd, I don't know his actual name but I named him Todd and I have faith in him he won't fuck up

"Yes Ma'am."

"Oh and have her come by my office, I'm just finishing up some paperwork for father so it's ok to have her enter right away"


"Thank you"

I finished signing and forging my fathers signature, as well as approve a collaborated project with a smaller group, they need help fighting and funding this battle between a bigger group than them but way smaller than us

The Hexes Vs the Empire. Stationed in Connecticut and have a pretty good reputation, Interesting, I will have to ask of their status later on

*Knock knock*

"Um..I was told you need me..??"

I closed the folders and stuffed the papers in my drawer then sighed, I saw as she entered in civilian clothing and I motioned for her to have a seat

I cracked my back and brushed my hair back into place then went to business

"How was your day so far? Did you have any trouble grabbing your things??"

"Um..no, it was pretty much a there and back thing...the tour was nice but long, the food this morning was good tho"

"Yeah I like Joan's Cooking, She's the only persons breakfast that I'd eat besides if I make it myself"

She nodded and I furrowed my brows

"I told my men to let you have some free time while out, You just went to your house and came back??"

She again nodded and looked confused

"Hm, I'll have to have a talk to them. Anyways, the reason I had you come is to explain the next few months"

"Since you are beginning training tomorrow, You'll be taking lessons from Lady Olivia and General Yunan, They will teach you what to do and what not to do on tasks and how to handle them if they are tricky. Most of my outings you will accompany me, Watch and observe, maybe even participate but mostly watching"

I continued on about her lessons and training, they won't be long but she would have to listen well cause she'd be sent on small tasks soon after

"May I ask something?"

"Of course."

"Why are you acting so nice? I literally spat at you the first time we met.."

I rose a brow confused

"You did?"

She looked confused as well but surprised then embarrassed

"Uh- yeah.."

"Well I didn't even notice haha, I was tired and father had dragged me all over town, that day was just rough so I wasn't really paying attention, don't worry I don't remember so it didn't happen, like I said, No matter what you think I'm not like my father. Or any stereotypical boss of a group in the Mafia."

She was quiet at first but we met eyes when she looked up at me

"I apologize for spitting at you, Uh...."

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