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"Ohhh fuckk nooo." Laney threw her blanket off the bed and ran to the bathroom to shower as quickly as possible. "Shit shit shit. How tf did I sleep through four alarms??"

Laney quickly put on a nice hoodie and some jeans and slapped some sunscreen on her face and ran down stairs to get her keys.
She started her car and drove as fast as she could.

The only thing going through her mind right now was "Am I gonna get fired on the first day itself??"

As soon as she reached the studio
She sprinted out of her car and was running down a flight of stairs when suddenly she stepped somewhere else and she was about to fall when someone caught her just in time.
She hadn't noticed but as she was running Jacob was also running behind her.

After he cought her, she was about to say thank you but nothing was coming out of her mother. She was just starting at him blankly. Her heart skipped a beat.

He let go of her hand and she ran as quickly as she can feeling embarrassed.

When she entered the room, she was glad that the script reading hadn't started yet. Just after she entered
Jacob came running in. Laney's seat was right next to Jacob. When they all sat, she could feel his eyes on her. Her heart was racing like a horse.

They all took their scripts out and started reading their lines. At this moment Laney realised that she hasn't read the script. She knew that she was gonna make a fool it if herself but she still pushed through.

When it was her turn to read, she could feel Jacob's eyes on her again and for the first time in a while she was feeling nervous. Which didn't happen very often tbh. As she read ger lines she fumbled over a word then another one and another on and finally she stopped. Her face had gotten red but she was glad that Jacob wasn't looking anymore.

After their script reading was over, Laney rushed out of the room without saying a word to anyone. She's usually not like this. She talks to everyone but something happened today.

As she was getting outbof the studio she hear a "Hey. Laney wait". When she turned around, it was Jacob. "Long time no see huh" said Jacob. "How have you been Jacob?" said Laney. Her face was really red. "I've been good but what happened to you out there? I know you're a great actress but something was off' he said. She looked embarrassed but was trying to hide it which obviously did not work. Jacob noticed but didn't say anything. "I've just had some things on my mind. That's it" she said. "Well if you need any help just give me a call alright" he said looking at her as she nodded.

She hurried back to her car trying not to look behind. She quickly got into her car and started thinking "Tfff is wrong withhh meee" and called Madelyn.

She explained her situation to Madelyn. She said "Looks like someone's got a crush" in a teasing tone. "Shut up maddie" Laney said. "i do not have a crush on him. I really think that it's the other way around"
Ask Zendaya bout him. She has worked with him right?
Ask her"
While Madelyn was speaking, Laney couldn't stop thinking about the moment when he cought her just in time on the stairs.
"Helooooo.... Laneyyy??? You there??" Madelyn yelled. Laney realised that she zoned out. "Uhhh soryyy I zoned out for a sec" Laney said gripping the stearing wheel harder. "Thinking about Jacob I see" Madelyn said in a sarcastic tone. Laney just rolled her eyes and pulled in the drive through.

She freshened up and was looking through Netflix to watch something. When she saw Euphoria. She hadn't seen Euphoria in a long time so clicked on it.

Author's Note 💌
I hate thiss storyy 😭😭
I'm gonna delete this later

Angel eyes, Jacob Elordi Where stories live. Discover now