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Authors Note: Aaah I can't believe I'm actually doing this. It's my first story on here and I'm not a native speaker, so go easy on me. I'm grateful for constructive criticism :)

I was tired and bored to death. As I sat in a meeting about "work relationships and appropriate demeanor towards colleagues and blah blah blah" I could practically feel my brain turning to stone and slowly starting to crumble. I was actually pretty sure that this meeting was making me loose more brain cells than all the alcohol I had ever consumed in my life. Well, I was obviously exagerating, but I just couldn't stand these meetings. Especially because I was so envious of the people who were able to just sit and listen to that shit like it was actually interesting. I looked at my watch "another 30 minutes" damn, I wanted to die. To be fair, the meeting had only started 15 minutes ago and I honestly felt like a dumb teenager trying to be rebellious by not listening. Maybe I was. I was horribly immature it seemed. "Sex at work is strictly permitted. It's a shame I even have to inform you about that." Mr. Trokes stated, while suspiciously eyeing two certain coworkers of mine. I knew why. I had walked in on them having sex on multiple occasions. Iwas used to it by now. They giggled and looked at eachother. No shame at all. I was envious of that too. Ugh, how I yearned for a sex-life. After my last relationship had ended, I had basically been abstinent. Of course,
not by choice, I enjoyed sex, I used to have a lot of sex with all of my previous partners. There was only one problem: I was almost never actually sexually attracted to anyone. I needed some sort of personal connection to be able to sleep with someone. I desperately wanted to have a one night stand, yet another thing I deeply envied my friends for. Well, there was one person that had sparked my interest not too long ago, and he was sitting right across from me right now. He was honestly one of the most handsome men, if not the most handsome one, I had ever seen in my life. His body was well-built, not too slim and not too bulky, he had wavy brown hair, brown eyes to die for and his smile, deat god his smile was the cherry on top. He was exactly my type, tall aswell with veiny arms, aah how I wished those veiny hands would grab my throat and tighten around it. If only his personality wasn't as bad. Unfotunately he was actually one of the worst people, if not the worst person I had ever met! SO cocky and arrogant. Totally full of himself. A narcissist even. Unfotunatelyhis arrogance was 100% justified. He was good at everything!! Absoloutely everything! It was mesmerizing to me. He was so hard-working and determined to do well, which he always did, it was crazy. I was really lazy, luckily things came easily to me so I never had to put in much effort. Unfortunately for him I was his superior and could've definitely abused my power, but I didn't treat him differently just because he was an asshole. He definitely would bully me, but I'm just nothing like him. Because he sure made sure to show me how much he despised me It's wild how you can so blatantly disrespect your boss and still get away with it because your such an "important asset to the company". Important-asset my ass. This man was driving me crazy. He was literally depriving me of sleep every single night. Though, to be honest, I fully put the blame for that on myself, or rather my deprived, perverted mind. I mean, who the fuck can't sleep at night because of sexual fanatsies and dreams about your co-worker, and one you hate at that. When I first met him I honestly wondered why he was so attractive to me, as, as I have mentioned before, I usually dont feel sexual attraction based on looks alone. I think I'm somehow attracted to his vibe too. Im into arrogant men, as long as I still feel superior (I never said I wasnt arrogant). I hated my shitty taste in men. Why couldn't I just fall in love with a nice guy for once? Not one of those weird internet nice guys though, just a real good ol' gentleman. I looked at him, he was listening intently, crazy bastard, who tf actually listens to these things, do you plan on having sex at work? I volunteer! That was when he rolled up the sleeves of his white button-up shirt. I almost melted right then and there. I hated myself for being so attracted to him, because I actually really hated him, well, I at least wanted to believe that, because he deserved my hatred and nothing more. It's hard to fool yourself though, so I had to try to contain my inappropriate thoughts. I felt like a huge pervert at this point and it definitely hurt my self-worth. But as I saw him rolling up his sleeves, unveiling those sexy arms of his I just could'nt help but picture him slamming me against a wall, kissing me, full of lust. I imagined how his buldge would look and feel, how he would dominate me. I detested being a Sub, not because I didn't enjoy it, but because I was usually very dominant, or as less capable men liked to call it "bossy" in my day to day life. Another hit on my self-worth. But I really enjoyed loosing control in the bedroom, being subjected to pain and punishment really relaxed me. I always felt less stressed out after a good S&M session. And I pictured him relieving me of my stress like that. Licking me, kissing me, biting me and slapping me. Him leaving hickeys and marks all over my body, telling me how I was his and forcefully making me surrender to him. I wondered how big his dick was and how it would feel pulsating inside me, cumming inside me. He was looking at me now, shocked. I was shocked too, I had been lost in my daydream for way too long, for how long had I been looking at him? How much time had passed since had he noticed? Gosh, this was embarassing. His shocked expression turned into a beautifully mocking smile. Ah, how I wished he would smile at me like that while fucking me. "A girl can dream", I thought. His smile was really, really charming yet seeing it almost made me gag every single time. I loathed myself for liking it. I was still staring at him. Wow, great now he thinks I have a crush on him or something. That wasn't entirely false. I wasn't the only one though. Almost every person at the office was into him, though probably not quite in the way I was, but still(!) at least I wasn't the only with bad taste in men. "Thats it for today. I hope everythings settled by now. Are there any questions left?" Mr. Thorkes asked, obviously not expecting anyone to actually engage with him. "Is staring at a coworker for hm, how long again? Ah right, 10 whole minutes, considered sexual herassment?" Fucking bastard. How dare he? Mr. Thorkes was already packing up his bag as he responded: "Well it depends on the way they look at you. If it makes you feel uncomfortable because they seem to be lusting for you, then yes, it is sexual harassment. Did that happen to you? Do you want me to contact HR?" Mr. Thorkes inquired in a rather tired way. He was used to my favorite dickheads antics by now. "No, I was just wondering." He said grinning like the devil. Sadistic prick. Of course, no one knew he was talking about me, but it still made me furious. He wasn't entirely wrong though, I had pictured him having sex with me for 10 minutes and I did feel bad about it. I just couldn't help it. Oh my god, I sounded like an old pervy man. Fuck me - pun not intended. I hated this. I prayed that work would take my mind off of him for the time being. It did, in a bad way. Some guy in finance had made a huge mistake with some numbers and now everything was totally messed up. The client had freaked out at the sight and withdrawn their offer instantly. Now I had to go run after and beg them to sign with us again. I did not enjoy spending my free evening in some random office building only to be rejected after begging them to "take us back" in a very disgraceful manner. I was reminded of my last boyfriends reaction to me breaking up with him and almost told the client I would "make them fall back in love with us". My Ex had been very persistent after that, which I found quite regrettable but also somewhat admirable. I had never had such persistance and I surely didn't have it now, so I just gave up and decided to go home for good. God, I was tired. I was looking forward to my warm, soft bed, a cup of tea and my favourite romance-novel "Pride and prejudice". I was into that kind of cheesy romance. As I took a shower I was thinking about my day, when I rememberd the shitty stuff he had said again. It made my heart flutter, I wanted to scream. I was so angry. At him for being so hot and charming and such a damn asshole at the same time, but also at myself for being so into him. I thought a cold shower might make those thoughts go away, so I quickly turned my shower the coldest it could go. I immediately regretted my actions when the cold water hit my hot skin. I had expected it to be cold, as I usually liked my showers scolding hot, literally burning-off-my-skin kind of hot, but I was taken aback by how cold it actually was. I turned off the shower in an instant, wondering why I had even done that. Right, because of him. It hadn't even worked! When I went to bed (or rather slammed myself into the sheets face first) I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. But I immediately started to dream about him. The dream was set in the office again and it honestly made me question my sanity. I was sitting at my desk, working late, only the two of us were left. We all know the story, its the same in every single book. It ended up with him backing me up against my desk, grabbing my waist and kissing me, hard and rough, like he wanted to eat me up. Without breaking our kiss he picked me up and put me down on the desk, continuing by greedily touching my thigh with one hand, while firmly holding on to my waist with the other. God, his damn touch burned like fire on my skin. "That must hurt." I said, pointing to his pants tightening around his growing bulge. He pushed his hair back, scoffed and whispered right into my ear: "It really does. Relieve me of my pain?" God, his voice was so deep and raspy, it sent shivers down my spine. I must admit that I do have a thing for deep voices.

Playdate with my enemy (who I definitely don't have sexual fantasies about)Where stories live. Discover now