Playdate #1

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"Seems like we have to do this now." He said as if he was forced to do a bothersome chore. "Please, I will take you the fuck out. Don't act like this will be easy. I'm your superior for a reason." I got a little cocky there, but it was true. I was great at Scrabble. No1 could beat me, except my mom maybe, but we were pretty even most of the time. Surely there was no way he could beat me. I got lucky and was able to form the word "maximise" with my first letters. "HA! See? There's no way you can do better!" I  said condescendingly. I felt crushed as he spelled out "oxidized". "No way? I don't think so. Should I explain what it means so you can understand?" Uuh. I hated his guts. How was I even supposed to repsond to that. "No thanks, I actzally excell in chemistry." How to continue...he hadn't used my X, so I used that to my advantage and laid out "Sexy" with double points on the y. "Interesting choice. Not bad." I felt my heart racing at every little gaze and gesture this man threw at me. Feeling him praise me made me feel like a child, but it also ignited something within me and it wasn't even real praise. And I thought about him praising me for sucking him off well. "What are you thinking about?" He had leaned back in his chair, smirking, "Its your turn.". He haid laid out "Horny". Come on, were we teenagers? He probably saw me looking at the word. "I just had to use that y. Double points right?" He chuckled. His laugh was quite pretty. "Very well. There's no need to explain yourself. This is serious. Were both adults. I think we can both deal with words like that." I declared. I absolutely could NOT deal with them. At all. Him interacting with something in any kind of sexually suggestive way made my mouth (and other places of my body) water with lust. I spelled out "Raw". He cocked his eyebrow. "You like it that way?" he asked, looking straight into my eyes. "Yes." I answered absentmindedly. What? Why would he ask that? "I prefer my steak medium rare, but hey you do you." Ugh, he could not keep feigning ignorance. He was obviously toying with me. Obnoxious. "Zucchini". Fuck, that was a great word. I had to stop thinking about sex and start to actually play. I couldnt lose against him, not in a million years. I fully put my mind to actually playing for the remainder of the game. And just like that, I won!. Not as if I hadn't expected that, but a win was a win. I was ahead by 29 points. "Easy." I announced, grinning. He raised his right eyebrow "Was it? Seemed like you were pretty focused on something else in the beginning.". "Yea no, I was just going easy on you. To give you a fair chance. Seems like you still blew it though." The same way I would blow you. I slapped my forehead. "What did you do that for?" He chuckled. I have gone insane. "For being so unfair as to only go easy on you in beginning. Next time I'll to play especially badly for you, okay?". Wow what a good lie. I gave myself an imagniray pat on the shoulder. "You're such a bad girl." He grinned. "How do you know I wasn't going easy on you today?". he joked. I laughed out loud. "Right. For sure. You were going easy on me." What a sore loser he was. I could tell he wasn't used to losing, making my victory taste all the more sweet. "Well, I wasn't. Youre really good at this." He leaned in closer "But dont you think its kind of mean to intentionally go easy on me? That insults me. You deserve to be punished for that." I could feel his hot breath on my neck, my breathing intesified and I felt my heartrate spike to a height it probably hadn't reached in a long time. "Just kidding. Dont worry." He wothdrew back to his original position. "Or did you actually want me to do it?" I remained silent, not knowing what to say. "What a dirty girl you are." He was obviously joking, but I saw something in his eyes, something dark and sinister. It made my belly tingle with anticipation. I wanted him to punish me. The atmosphere had gotten strange. Somehow this game had gone south. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow." He cleared his throat,  stood up, put on his coat and left. When he stood up I could see his pants buldge way more than usual, but I just saw for a split-second until he had already put on his coat and turned around. I had to be wrong, there was no way, right? Was he -- hard? As I laid in bed that night, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Did he feel like I did? What did that even mean? Needless to say he haunted my dreams again that night.

When I came to work the next day he was already there. I was struggling, trying to get my cat-cup from the drawer, someone had put it all the way to the back again. He helped and grabbed it for me, while also getting himself a cup. "Thank you." I said, trying to be polite. "Youre welcome little Lillie." Are you fucking kidding me???? Fucking bastard. Why would he say that? I was his superior for Gods sake! "Youre blushing like crazy right now." He laughed, observing me closely. Damn sure I was. I had never imagined myself getting excited by being called "little". "Are you into shit like this? The cheesy-romance-nov#l kind of guy?" he asked, mocking me. "So what?". I seriously needed help. This man made me question my sanity. He seemed suprised st my answer and cleared his throat. "Mr. Thorkes wants us playing board games on a regular basis now, by the way. We have to do it every Friday. He doesn't want to continue being our "personal mediator"." he told me, changing the topic. I was actually thrilled about that, because I desperately wanted to spend more time with him, but I would never admit that to anyone. "You seem way to thrilled about that." I said, cocking my eyebrow. "Well, maybe I am." He leaned against the kitchen counter next to me. Looking deeply into my eyes. "Pff, yeah sure." I scoffed trying to come off as cool, but I was freaking out on the inside. Maybe he really was feeling the same way. Maybe he'd agree to have sex with me. He laughed. I felt dumb. "I'm going on a short business trip to New York.", he said, seeing my caught-off-guard (probably devastated) expression, he quickly added "Dont worry, Ill be back by Friday Lillie." Obnoxious. I rolled my eyes. How dare he call me, his superior, by my nickname? "Fine. Have fun then." I was suprised at my own actions. I should've scolded him. I was torn between being thrilled about him not being at work at Friday and missing him already. I was totally hopeless. "I'll bring a good wine for Friday, so you better dress the part." He ordered, looking at me with eyes I would've found disgustingly perverted and crazy inappropriate if I wasn't into him. I nodded. Oh, I would dress dress the part, I would dress so hot and pretty, that he wouldn't even try to resist me. I'll make him beg to touch me. "We'll see about that." He leered at me before leaving the room without looking at me again. Huh? I had probably overheard him say something while fantasizing about him again. I hit my forehead with the palm of my hand. When I laid in bed that night I suddenly remembered, that I did not have a pretty dress I could wear to a dinner date, if you could call it that, with him. I called my best friend and asked her to go shopping with me on Thursday.

Authors Note:
I fucking hate this part. The story's moving way too fast, but I already wrote the Friday scene (be prepared for smut btw) and I can't wait. Forgive me.

Playdate with my enemy (who I definitely don't have sexual fantasies about)Where stories live. Discover now