Chapter-14 Tantrums

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"Bunny eat what's wrong? "
Taehyung asks as He found His husband was only staring at the plate not even touching the food.
"Y-Yeah Yeah. "
Jungkook replies more like whispered.
"A-Are you crying? "
Taehyung asks as He quickly shifted closer cupping Jungkook's face with his large hands.
"N-No. "
Jungkook replied shortly removing Taehyung's hands.
"Baby is something wrong? You know that you can always tell me right?"
Taehyung says softly caressing Jungkook's hairs who started to eat quietly.
After not getting any response Taehyung retreats his hand grabbing the chopsticks and started to eat as Well.

"Ggukie did you liked the food? "
He hurriedly asks as He saw Jungkook finished His plate and was taking more.
Jungkook only Hummed as Taehyung started sulking after not getting any praises.
Usually his bunny would praise his cooking so much.
He looked down suddenly losing the appetite.
Jungkook firstly didn't really paid attention but somewhere He felt He should've appreciated Taehyung for cooking so many dishes.
"Stop sulking and eat."
He coldly said..He didn't really wanted to sound cold but his voice somehow couldn't reach that soft level.

"Y-You I-I am not liking you now. "
Taehyung says pouting.
Jungkook almost choked on his food hearing this.
"W-What? "
"I dont know but i dont like you You are behaving so rudely And I am Not liking it. "
Taehyung suddenly felt saying Everything he had on his mind.
"Okay great I will leave this house then. "
Jungkook says eating his last bite as He drinks a glass of water standing up.
Hearing this statement Taehyung looks up at Him with innocent eyes as soon as Jungkook's cold eyes met with him His eyes started to fill with tears.

"What? Why are you crying now? You said you dont like me now so I will leave you."
Jungkook said as He turns around.
"T-That's not What I meant. "
Taehyung hurriedly says grabbing Jungkook's wrist standing up as well.
"Then what? "
Jungkook asks turning around.
"I-I was saying that I dont like your be-behavior That's it. "
"Its the same thing. "
"No baby its not y-you are not getting me. I-I cooked for you and y-you only hummed not gud tasty delicious nothing you just hummed. It-It felt really bad. Even nowadays y-you have started to shout on me and you even know that I-I am sensitive still y-you shouted on me and-and you Dont even care now if i am crying or feeling insecure."

Jungkook listened to him silently.
Whom was he even kidding to His hyung Jeongguk cherished his husband...pampered him so much ofcourse The male is going to feel strange about sudden cold behavior he was getting from Jungkook.
Understanding Taehyung..Jungkook Sighs Before rubbing his eyes with his palms.
"I-I dont know just eat and come to sleep. Dont argue with me."
"I-I am not arguing baby I am just saying."
"I know i know."
He says turning around.
"B-Before the accident Y-You would always Sit with me till I finished my f-food. "
He mumbles lightly staring at Jungkook's back.

"Oh Okay fine I wont go to sleep You want me to stay awake even after you know I am tired exhausted from office work You still have to show your tantrums Fine I am here only...start eating."
Jungkook says sitting on the chair as He motions Taehyung to sit and eat.
Taehyung felt humiliated..embarrassed...insecure.
He bites his lips anxiously as He grabs His shirt tightly trying hard not to cry.
"I-I won't talk to you. "
He says while sobbing as Jungkook stands up leaving the dining area.
Taehyung stomps his feet angrily as He went towards couch laying there hiccuping in between.

Jungkook went inside his room as He sighs heavily.
"God How did hyung even tolerated him. "
He was busy in his thoughts when his phone started to ring.
He picked it up it was his mom calling.
"Hello? "
"How is Taehyung?"
"Taehyung is gud."
"Okay How are you? "
"Oh finally you remembered that you have a son too. "
"Shut up. I have kept some medicines on your side table give them to Taehyung after he is done eating dinner. "
"What are those?"
"Medicines Jungkook. "
"I meant what are they for? "
"They are prescribed by Taehyung's doctor It's for his and baby's health."
"Fine. I'll give him. "

Jungkook ended the call as He goes downstairs.
He saw food was still there on the table.
And Taehyung laying on the couch His shoulders were shaking of course cause he was crying.
Jungkook goes towards him bending down to his level as Taehyung looks up at him before turning to other side.
Jungkook mentally sighs as He sits in the remaining space softly grabbing Taehyung's arm.
"Taehyung. "
"I-I won't talk to y-you Go a-away."
He sniffs in between as Jerks off Jungkook's hand.

"I came to give you a kiss and tell you that quickly eat and then we will cuddle all night. "
He says as He know Taehyung loves kisses and cuddles.
"Y-You are lying. "
"I am not come here."
Jungkook says grabbing Taehyung by his waist He pulled him on his lap.
Taehyung who couldn't help but to hug him tightly burying his face in his neck as He softly sobs.
"Now if you will eat Dinner fastly i will give you a kiss and lots of cuddles. "
Hearing this Taehyung tightens his grip around Jungkook.
"B-But Y-You will feed me and-and give me pecks after one bite. "
He demands as He looks at Jungkook.
"Okay. "
Hearing Jungkook's reply Taehyung's frown disappeared as He sniffles before locking his legs around Jungkook's waist telling him that He won't get down off his lap.

"It's fine go and get your plate I will feed you. "
Taehyung immediately obeyed and brought his plate to Jungkook standing infront of him.
Jungkook grabbed the plate putting it on the side.
Hearing this Taehyung crawled on his lap hugging his waist as Jungkook brought a spoon full of food infront of him.
After gulping down Taehyung leans in a bit as Jungkook quickly pecks him backing off immediately.

"Okay Now go and keep it in the kitchen. "
Jungkook says as Taehyung stands up going towards kitchen and Immediately runs back to Jungkook.
"Let's go and sleep now. "
Taehyung hummed following Jungkook behind.
"Before sleeping eat these medicines."
"N-No First kiss. "
He denies grabbing Jungkook from his waist leaning in towards his lips.
"Come on I promised you that i will give you kiss don't you trust me? "
"I-I do. "
He says as He slowly takes medicines gulping them down.

"Now. "
He demands again.
"Wait you have just had medicines wait for some time. Till then lets cuddle. "
Jungkook tries to manipulate him as He lays down tapping on his side to which Taehyung immediately layed down too hugging him pecking his cheeks every second.
Jungkook being Jungkook tries to avoiding kiss slowly started to caress Taehyung's hairs knowing its the easiest way He would fall asleep fastly.
And once again He succeeded in avoiding that awkward kiss between him and his hyung's husband.

Take care

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