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(So, yes this does not start at the veryyyyy beginning of Book 1, but instead at chapter 3 as that's when he enters minecraft. This also won't be very serious and his name is getting shorted to GK999 when people are not speaking)


GK999 woke up, extremely disoriented. He felt as though dream and reality were no longer separated and everything was both real and imaginary all at once. He slowly sat up, pulling reality back, and he opened his eyes, rubbing his face as he slowly got his bearings back.

Looking around, he saw a familiar blocky landscape and a blocky sun that he could look at. He took it all in, thinking about how similar to minecraft this was, before snapping out of it and realizing he was in minecraft. He smacked himself to try to wake up, but failed. He then realized he was actually in his favorite game.

He stood up, stretching. Everything seemed so... real. He saw some chickens, pigs, flowers, and so much more stuff. The air smelled like spring, with the soft breeze and the sweet warm air. He was somewhat surprised he wasn't reacting so drastically, but he figured that his brain was probably still working on actually comphrending this.

He stood there for a bit before realizing he needed to make a base before his brain actually comprehended what was happening, as he was sure he would probably freak out when it happened. He quickly ran over to the nearby forest and tried to break a tree. He almost expected punching a tree to hurt, but luckily, it didn't.

After getting all the basic tools, he climbed the nearby cliff as high as he could and dug out a base, luckily finding coal. After that, he glanced around for any sheep. As he looked, he noticed a spider nearby, which hadn't noticed him yet. He decided to ignore it for now, since it was still day and GK999 remembered that spiders didn't attack during the daytime. Besides, spiders were very tricky to fight. They were almost impossible to kill without being hit yourself and he currently had no protection or food of any kind. He quickly memorized his surroundings and killed some nearby sheep, feeling slightly guilty as their screams sounded far more real.

As he headed back, the sun was starting its journey to nighttime. He was still on edge about the spider, but didn't expect the spider to try to attack him while it was still daytime! He quickly hit it back with his sword, noticing just in time that it had jumped at him. It clicked angrily and came at him again. He tried to dodge its attacks, but unfortunately, he couldn't hit it from blocks away like when he was playing the game normally, and was forced to get up close.

After a rough fight, he was victorious. He quickly hid in his base and began cooking the mutton, before finally, actually realizing he was in minecraft! GK999 had the urge to cry from the spider bites, but also to laugh at how ridiculous this situation was. He was in minecraft! Minecraft! The game that he loved to troll people in! And now he could get physically hurt?

Outside, he could barely hear the sounds of monsters outside. Occasionally one would get too close and it was more audible, making GK999 jump. He couldn't use the bed due to monsters being nearby. He knew this would be a longggg night.



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