Chapter 5 {Aura}

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"Thanks, haha.." Cyrus smiled, putting a hand behind his head.

A while later, they arrived at her house. "I'm home!~" Jin-Ah shouted.

"Make yourself at home!" Jin-Ah told Cyrus.

Jin-Woo, who just finished cooking, peaked over from the kitchen. "Do we have a guest?"

Cyrus looked over. Masking his surprise ||oh...||

Pov: Third Person

Putting a hand around the earring he was wearing. He summoned Azar back into it.

||ah- well that was sudden|| Azar sighed

||sorry azar~|| Cyrus sweat dropped

||so, whats the situation?|| Azar asked as Cyrus summarized what happened so far.

||i see..was there really a need to call me over though?|| Azar sighed

||i got nervous ok?!-|| Cyrus whined

"Cyrus~ this way!" Jin-Ah said

"Ah! Uh- e-excuse me!-" Cyrus stuttered, quickly taking his shoes off and stepping inside.

"Cyrus, this is Jin-Woo, my idiotic brother" Jin-Ah gestured to the taller male.

"Did u have to introduce me like that?" Jin-Woo crossed his arms, looking at Jin-Ah with sigh.

"Ah- nice to meet you-" Cyrus bowed nervously before Jin Ah dragged him away to sit down and eat. Jin-Woo watched the two.

||strange.. since the moment that kid entered the room... is it just me, or has the temperature risen?||

Jin woo went and sat down as well. "Hello" he give Cyrus his greetings, as Cyrus returned them. Jin-Ah sat next to Cyrus. "Come on, dont be shy, eat!" She smiled, grabbing a bowl and placing some rice in it, handing it to Cyrus.

"Can you use chopsticks?" She inquired.
Cyrus nodded.

Looking at the boy, Jin-Woo turned towards his sister as he went to sit down.

"Jin-Ah, whos this kid?" Jin-Woo asked, as Jin-Ah went on to explain the situation.

"I see.. so you decided to treat him to dinner" jin-woo then turned towards Cyrus. Expressing his thanks for helping his younger sister.

"Ah- no problem" Cyrus nodded in acknowledgement. Eating his food, while Jin-Ah kept putting more on his plate.

Meanwhile, Azar watched the scene from within his realm. It was fiery, with trees made of flaming leaves. The ground was molten, and the sun in the sky was replaced by a large burning fire. The land was vast, with cracks in the Earth. Along what seemed to be an endless path to nothing.

"...." Azar looked at the scene, which appeared before him as a floating screen. Before swiping at it, as the screen disappeared, closing his eyes and turning around, he walked away and went deeper into the realm of flames.


Dinner was finished, and now Cyrus was standing at the door, with Jin-Ah stopping him from leaving.

"Hey now, its dark out now! It's dangerous for a child to walk alone!" Jin ah put her hands on her waist, criticizing Cyrus' choices.

"Yeah but-" Cyrus looked at the door before turning back towards her with a frown.

"We dont have a spare room, Jin-Ah" Jin-Woo stated, leaning his shoulder against the wall.

"I can walk him ho-"

"Then you can sleep in my room!" Jin-Ah offered, cutting him off.


Before Cyrus could respond, Jin-Ah grabbed his hand. "Its settled then! Come on this way!" Jin-Ah dragged him with her.

Jin-Woo watched them retreat to her bedroom.
"...." Sighing loudly, he walked away and went to go shower.

Meanwhile, Jin-Ah placed down a small mattress on the floor, an extra blanket, and pillow.

"There! Make yourself comfy!" Jin Ah exclaimed with a smile of her face. Gesturing to the mattress.

"Ah.. thank you, but um.." cyrus rose one of his hands halfway up.

"Hm?" Jin ah hummed in confusion.

"I still need to shower and brush my teeth-"
"Oh" Jin ah's hands fell to her side as she blinked at cyrus comically. "Thats ok! I have a spare toothbrush and we should have an unused towel somewhere!And you can just borrow my brothers old clothes!"

"Uh are you su-" before cyrus could continue, jin ah already left the room. "...shit" cyrus cursed to himself. "I shouldn't of spoken" Cyrus groaned in annoyance.

||You think?|| Azar sighed sarcastically.

Meanwhile, as jin ah exited the room, she finally noticed something. "Huh.. thats strange, why'd it suddenly get colder?"

A while later, jin ah returned back with the spare tooth brush and towel, along with Jin Woos old clothes. "Here you go! Shower is just down the hall"

Cyrus bowed his head and left the room, scurrying to the shower awkwardly. Walking past jin woo who just got outa few moments before. With a towel around his shoulders.

As Cyrus walked past Jin Woo, it felt like slow motion for him. Turning halfway towards Cyrus, he watched as he ran past him.

"So it wasn't just my imagination.." Jin woo muttered to himself. His gaze lingering on the kid before turning away. ||Everytime he's near, the surroundings get warmer..||

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Chapter End
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Chapter 6 {Warmth}

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